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It was Friday, thank god. You have had such a rough week. This morning your best friend since you were kids, Jack, invited you to a huge house party tonight. You knew exactly how to cure this terrible week, drink, dance, drink ,and boys. Jack told you he would pick you up at 7. You only had an hour left of school, and everyone one was talking about the party. You couldn't pay attention in your classes since Jack told you about the party. You couldn't stop thinking about what you were going to wear, who would be there, what you were going to tell your parents, and what boys would be there. You practically ran out of class once the bell rang. You drove home, and told your mom you were going to stay at Jacks tonight. Your mom was okay with it since you and Jack have been having sleep-over since you were kids. Your moms always wanted you guys to get together, but Jack just never seemed interested, so neither did you. So you guys were just always close, and best friends. At 5 you finally had the perfect outfit, destroyed high-waisted light shorts, a black crop top, and your black converse. You then did your make-up, and hair. Once you were all finished it was 6:45. Perfect. You got everything ready for tonight and made sure you had everything in your purse. Exactly at 7 Jack knocked at the door. He ran upstairs, after saying hi to your mom, to greet you.
"You ready to go?" he said closing the door behind him
"Yeah, can I just borrow some of your clothes tonight when I come over?" You asked
"Yeah, just telling you my parents are out of town so we have the house all to ourselves tonight!" he said
"great, let's just not tell my mom that" you said and he nodded as you guys headed out of your room, then your house.
Jack walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for you, which was new. Jack got into the car, and Ride was on the radio. Jack looked so good tonight you thought to yourself. He had on a black v-neck, and blue jeans with his black converse. You really did think he was hot, but you couldn't admit it. As you guys arrived at the house, you pulled out the bottle from the back, as Jack walked around to open your door. You entered the house with Jacks arm around your waist, at parties Jack always was close to you. You grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen to fix the drinks. You grabbed a plastic cup and mixed the Vodka with Red-bull. You started chugging. You poured another round for yourself. This was going to hit you hard. Jack didn't drink he was the designated driver. Jack led you to the dance floor, and once you were there he spun you around so your butt was to his crotch. This was surprising but you weren't going to argue. He started to led you guys with his hands on your waist. You grind on him for awhile, it was getting intense, until he broke it to spin you around. He looked in your eyes for a couple of seconds, then his lips met yours. You started to roughly make-out, as he pulled you closer with his hands on your lower back. He pulled away and said "You look amazing tonight, want another drink babe?" he was smirking which made you melt. He led you into the kitchen, but you didn't want another drink you wanted Jack. It was quite in the kitchen when you walked in first, Jack behind you. No one except close friends of the owner were allowed in kitchen since the valuables. Suddenly, Jack pushed you against the wall, attacking your neck. Biting, sucking, and kissing your sweet-spot. He tore away from your neck and stared into your eyes with lust. He leaned into your ear and said "Why don't we take this back to my place?" You nodded still speechless.
On the car ride to his house his hand traveled up and down your thigh. Him being that close to you like this made you weak. Once you arrived at his house, you jumped out of the car and ran up to the front-door excited. He laughed at you and your excitement. Once he unlocked the front door, you both kicked off your shoes,and he picked you up and carried you upstairs into his bed room. He set you down in front of the bed, as he started stripping. He took off his shirt, then his pants. You've seen Jack undressed like this before, but this time it gave you a different kind of feeling. You stared at him as he took them off leaving him in his boxers. He smiled at you while you stared. He then stood in front of you as he lifted your shirt over you head, then unbuckled your shorts as he watched them drop to the floor. He grabbed your face with his hands, and started to kiss you roughly. He was pushing you guys backwards until the back of your knees hit the side of the bed and you fell backwards. He laid on top of you, making out with you. He started to grind his hips against yours, and you could feel him getting hard. He rolled over to get you on top, you resumed making out as you grinded your hips against his again. You started to kiss his neck, then biting it. He let out a raspy grunt in return. You continued down his chest until you reached the top of his boxers. You pulled them down slowly, as his member came out. He was big as you took him into your mouth. You sucked and bobbed your head up and down, making him breathe harder. His hands were wrapped in your hair as he kept your head in place, thrusting up, fucking your mouth. He made you gagged the deeper he went. He stopped, and then turned you over. He wasted no time in pulling down your panties, and sucking hard on your clit. You moaned loudly as he swirled his tongue around your wet opening. He pushed his tongue in and out of you. He drove you crazy, almost making you cum before he pulled away. You were panting with your eyes closed until you heard the sound of foil ripping. You opened your eyes and saw Jack taring open a condom. He looked you in the eyes once he was lined up with your entrance as you nodded and he pushed himself into you hard. You let out a loud and long moan. He started to pick up he pace hitting your G spot each time making you moan which each thrust. You moaned his name as he started massaging your clit. You came onto him, as he kept going until he reached his finish and groaned out your name. He pulled put and laid in your chest until you both feel asleep.

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