I'm Done

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(Karalyne's POV)

(In Dream)

I woke up at 9 am, I knew no one was awake so I decided to go wake up Uncle Shawn because I love his muffins so, why not. I ran up the stairs to go wake him up but, he wasn't in there. I went to go see if anyone was home. I was all by myself which never happens. I just went on with it and then I heard footstep behind me, I turned around and saw all my father's friends and him "Karalyne don't run sweetie, your gonna hurt yourself." said my biological "Why are you being so nice to me you have always abused me." I asked him. "Come with me I promise I will never hurt you again, just come with me." I stood there and was confused. I stood there and thought about it, I didn't know if to believe him or to go with him. Then he disappeared and Cameron and everyone came up to me and told me that I was worthless and they used me for fame. I didn't believe anyone. I started to scream and cry. I was stuck and couldn't get out of my dream.

(End of dream)

(Shawn's POV)

I woke up at 3 am to Karalyne screaming and crying. I ran to her room and saw her there in a ball on the floor with her knees up to her chest just balling her eyes out. I ran to her and cradled her and woke her up. She tried to explain what happened but she couldn't because she was still in shock from her dream. Everyone was in the room just looking at her except for Cameron. He was still sleeping because he had a girl over. I honestly felt bad for Karalyne, Cameron will totally ignore her because of his slutty girlfriend. Karalyne finally spoke up. "Cameron doesn't love me..." she said in a whisper but I heard her. "He does, why would you think that?" I asked her. She explained her dream and all of us looked at each other. "Karalyne what did your dad tell you when he kidnapped you again?" I asked her.

(Karalyne's Flashback)

 "Karalyne they don't love you, there just using you so they become more famous did you really think that they truly loved you, they didn't!" my father yelled at me. "THEY DO LOVE ME, THEY DON'T ABUSE ME LIKE YOU DID TO ME AND TRY TO RAPE ME OR KILL ME!" I yelled back at him which made him slap me. It stung so bad I felt my tear blend in with my bloody cheek. Then I asked him "What is love to you because this is h*** of not love, this is torture and if mom was still alive she would be so disappointed in you!" I screamed/told him. He just stood there in shock for a moment and then they all started hitting me and that's when it went black. I woke up to him carrying down knives and other things to hurt me. He saw that I was awake and talk to me. "Karalyne I do love you but, it's just that when your mother died... it made me realize that you were the only thing that I had left. I never wanted to hurt you but, your mother got to my head and told me to hurt you, I'm so sorry," he said and walked away "WAIT, daddy, I love you too but you hurt me so I didn't think that you would never love me again." I said to him and then he kissed my forehead and left. I stood there in shock not knowing what to do I then saw the window and climbed out...

(End of flashback)

(Shawn's POV)

We looked at Karalyne still daydreaming she finally snapped out of it. She just looked at us and I saw all the tears she was holding back. "Can me and Matt be alone...guys," Karalyne told us. "Yeah sweetie, see you in the morning okay?" I asked her she nodded her head and all of us kissed her head goodnight and left except for Matt.

(Matt's POV)

"What's up wrong Karalyne?" I asked her while I held her. "He is trying to make me go back to him and believe that he actually loves me and forget about you guys," she told me with tears just falling down her cheek. I whipped them off with my thumb. "We will never let him take you again I promise you," I said to her. We laid down on her bed and fell asleep with her head on my chest laying down. We finally fell asleep worried about Karalyne on my mind. 

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