Run Away

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(Karalyne's POV)

Once Shawn told me that, I went into my room and packed my stuff. I grabbed my under armor bag and stuffed it with clothes, chargers, my laptop, my money I had stashed, and some pictures. I wrote a note to Shawn and the guys that I was leaving and not coming back. 

Dear Family,

I love you all so much and I would never replace you for the world. I wouldn't have made it this far without you here, I wouldn't have been the girl I am today. 

Dad, I love you so much you protected me from all the things that made me hurt or sad and I love you so much don't worry about me because I can be on my own. Please don't cry, I know you will but, be strong for me I love you so much

The rest of the boys, you guys are the freakin' best that is the first thing I wanted to say, Thank you, Aaron, for being there when I needed you the most. Thank you, Taylor, for teaching me to live life and don't worry about anything and go for it. Thank you JJ and G for teaching me to penny board and have wrestling matches together, even tho I kicked your guy's butts. Matt thank you for teaching me to smile even tho you have a bad day and you will always be my Mattosaurus.  Thank you Carter for letting me kick your butt in every video game we ever played. Nash, thank you for being there for me and taking me to Starbucks and making vines together. Hayes, thank you for being the big brother that I always wanted, you protected me from boys and sometimes we would argue but, we still love each other. 

Don't worry about me you deserve some one better I hope you fulfill your dreams that you all have wanted. 

Love you guys, Karalyne Mendes signing off.

I was crying by the end of the note. I took a last look of my room and took a picture of it and opened my window. "New beginning and a new adventure." I told myself and I jumped onto the trampoline. I walked out to the street and took a last view of the house. "Bye Family love you." I whispered and walked away. I walked all the way to Cam's house and I saw a car there that wasn't Cam's. I walked in and looked around, "Hello?" I yelled and I walked into the living room and saw him and Bailey making out. He noticed I was there and let go of her. "It's not what it looks like." he said and I started tearing up and shaking my head. "No it is Cam, you have fun with Bailey bye." I said walking out and running now. "KARALYNE WAIT!" I ignored him and kept running. I called an Uber and they took me to the airport. I booked the next flight to Virgina to see Jacob because he was the only one I wanted to see right now. 

"Boarding plane 16 to Virgina, Hendon." I got my backpack and boarded the plane. I took my seat and opened up my phone. It was blown up by the missed phone calls and messages from the guys but, I ignored them. The plane took off 5 minutes later and it was a long 9 hours to fly. I got off the plane and called a Uber to take me to Jacob's house. I had my headphones in and I was listening to Shawn's new song. I paid the Uber and got out of the car and walked over to his window and climbed up his ladder to his window. I got up it and saw a girl on top of Jacob and there were making out. I just climbed down the ladder and walked away, I shedded a few tears here and there but, I got to a secret spot and started pouring down crying. "Why?" I kept repeating myself. "I literally did nothing wrong, nothing and this is what you do to me!" I yelled and it started pouring down raining. "Thanks a lot." I said and ran under a tree. I cried there for what seemed forever. 

I got up and called another Uber and booked a hotel. I got to my Uber and got out 5 minutes later. I got my bag and walked in, I checked in and got into my room. I threw my bag on the ground and laid on the floor. I cried, even more, I cried so much that the sunrise was shining. I got up and took a shower and got dressed and booked a flight back home. I got all of my stuff together and walked out of my hotel room. I gave the room key back and then I was surrounded by paparazzi. I was still crying, "Karalyne why are you crying?" I stopped and looked at all of them. "You know why I'm crying and this goes for all of you, so listen up, Cameron Dallas is dating a girl that abused me and wanted me to kill myself, Shawn Mendes doesn't want me around anymore for some reason, Jacob Sartorius cheated on me, are you happy now that you know everything, you know it would be great if you would leave me alone for a least a day where I can have a peaceful day to myself, just please get out of my way now." I said in complete tears and they were all shocked and moved out of the way. 

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