Hospital Days

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(Karalyne's POV)

I felt terrible like a wrecking ball was hitting my stomach thousands of times. "Karalyne it's time for you to have surgery." the doctor said and I just sighed because I hated the thought of it. They rolled me out of the room and into the room with the dimmed lights. They put a mask over my mouth and nose and I felt my eyes drooping slowly. 

*While surgery, in her "dream"*

I was running to the Effile Tower before Midnight. I climbed up the Effile Tower and saw Jacob standing there. "What do you want?"  I asked and he turned back around. "I still love you Karalyne, I only did that to you because Rebecca told me or she would have hurt you, and I hate seeing you be hurt but, I hurt you and I 'm so sorry please forgive me, I love you Karalyne Marie Dallas." he said that and I turned to look at him and he was tearing up. I ran to him and hugged him and he held on to me tightly. "I won't let you go I promise, I love you, Rolf Jacob Sartorius," I said back. We both looked into each other eyes and he leaned in and so did I. When we kissed literally fireworks were going off. Our lips moved in sync, and when we let go I felt so connected to him. "Karalyne Marie Dallas will you promise me to be my girlfriend to the end?" he said standing on one knee with a box and a promise ring. I nodded my head and we kissed again. Then it all ended when Rebecca saw me and Jacob, she pointed a gun at my head but, never pulled the trigger. What pulled the trigger was when she kissed him and he kissed back and I grabbed the gun and pulled it myself.  I fell to the floor and the last image that I saw was her and Jacob kissing. 

*End of "dream"*

I woke up and the doctors all stared at me strangely. I felt my cheeks and they were all red and I felt tears coming out of my eyes. "Are you okay, do you have pain in your stomach or a headache?" the doctor asked and I nodded my head no. "Can you guys kind of leave, I want to be by myself for a little while please?" they nodded their heads and left. I thought about the dream and still continued to cry. "Why did you put that in my head?" I said looking up. All I could do was cry even more because it felt so real, my head hurt so bad and my heart felt so broken. 

(Cameron's POV)

"Karalyne Dallas" the doctor yelled and me and Shawn both rushed to the doctor. "Did she make it?" I asked and she nodded her head yes. "Um, we found an object in her stomach she may have swollen some how, but I have put it in a bag and she requested no visitors at the time but, her room is 345 on level C." we thanked her and me and him walked to her room. We found her room and it had the one-way glass so we can see her inside but, she can't see us. She was crying, and I and Shawn looked at each other. We opened the door and she looked at us. She wiped her tears away and acted like she wasn't crying. "Hey, guys." she said with a fake smile. We both waved and walked over to her. "How are you feeling?" I asked her "Doing good how long was surgery?" she asked back. "Well, it was 6 hours but, we waited for you and the guys are here too." she looked at me quickly. "Can you go get Hayes, I need to talk to him real quick." they nodded their heads and left to go get Hayes.

(Hayes's POV)

I was worried about Karalyne. She never ever had a happy ending with anything, I felt bad for her. Shawn and Cam came rushing towards me, "Karalyne needs ya stat!" they said and I nodded my head and ran to her room. I walked in and she started crying, "What's wrong pumpkin?" I asked her "J-J-Jacob was in my dream and..." "and what?" she explained everything. "It felt so real to Hayes like my head is pounding and my heart just feels gone, I have no soul anymore, where was a gun when you need one!" she yelled whispered to me. I snuggled up right by her. "Shh, it's okay we are going to fix this." I said to her and she looked at a bag on the corner. "What is that?" she asked and I picked it up and I opened the bag and found a ring with J+K forever on it. "Karalyne are you sure the dream wasn't real?" I asked her and she looked over and saw the ring, she started to freak out. "WTH IS THAT!" she yelled at me with tears down her cheeks. "It's an um promise ring with yours and Jacob's initials on it..." I said and she looked so sad and confused. "But, none of that happened we just kissed." she said and instantly regretted it. "YOU KISSED!" she looked frightened that I yelled at her. "I'M SORRY I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF HE  WAS LEANING IN AND HIS GORGEOUS SMILE AND FIREWORKS WERE GOING OFF!" she yelled back and her heart rate was so high that she couldn't handle her breathing. I ran out and got doctors and they came rushing to her room and I tried to go in but, they wouldn't let me. I put my head on the back of the wall and slid down it with my head in my hands crying. About 10 minutes later doctors came out they all had there headed down and looked sad. "Are you a relative of K-Karalyne Dallas?" she asked me without crying. "Yes, is she alright?" I asked worriedly. "I'm so sorry she died about 5 minutes ago on the table her heart beat was going so fast that her body couldn't handle it." the doctor said and I ran into her room and saw her there. "no, no, NO KARALYNE WAKE UP, REMEMBER WHAT YOU SAID IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO GO THIS WAY C'MON WAKE UP, I NEED YOU SHAWN AND CAM AND THE BOYS NEED YOU. KARALYNE COME BACK PLEASE!" I said yelling whispering in her ear. The boys came running in. "Hayes what did you do...?" Cam asked me calmly. "I killed her..." I keep repeating and the boys thought I was crazy. "What do you mean you killed her?" Shawn asked me with an angry tone. I explained everything and Shawn got up and started coming towards me. The boys held him back "YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER!" he kept on saying over and over again. I looked over my shoulder and Karalyne's heart monitor started beating again. "Guys look...." they all stopped and looked at Karalyne, she started breathing again. "GO GET THE DOCTORS STUPID!" I yelled and Shawn ran to them and doctors came in shocked. "How did she come back to life, it's impossible..." they all looked at us and then her. "She is able to go when she is awake but, if she gets angry then calm her down because she can have a heart attack again." we all nodded our heads and they left, Karalyne fluttered her eyes open, but her eyes weren't bright crystal blue they were gray and black with a little blue in them left. I felt like her eyes explained how her heart looked, the little bit of blue left was hope but, the other gray part was no hope and the blue was so little. She looked at me and then looked down. "I'm so sorry Hayes I overreacted you were right I should have never done that, I'm so sorry." she said still looking down. "It's okay because that was all my fault I caused you to yell at me and you almost died because of me but, you came back." I said and lifted her chin and kissed the top of her head. She smiled and then Shawn and Cam came rushing to her kissing her face and hugging her. "C'mon lets go" they both said and she changed and we left to go home. Before we went she grabbed the bag and held onto it tightly. We got home and she was too tired to walk up the stairs so I carried her up them. "Hayes?" "Hm?" "Will, my heart ever get better?" she asked looking at me. "Well, as long as those stupid boys won't play with your feelings you will feel a lot better." she smiled and laid down. "Hayes come lay with meeehhh." she whined and I gave in and jumped on her bed and laid by her and snuggled with her. 

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