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(Karalyne's POV)

I woke up in the hospital again. "Hey sweetie how are you feeling?" the nurse asked. "I feel like someone is stabbing me everywhere and I feel great how about you?"  I said and she laughed "I'm doing good but, do you have a pounding headache at all?" she asked and I shook my head yes, she kept asking questions and writing them down. "Okay thank you, sweetie, you can go get dressed your father is waiting for you." she said handing me my clothes and I thanked her and changed. 

(Shawn's POV)

I walked behind the nurse and she brought me to her room but, outside of it. "Karalyne has been diagnosed with cancer and it has spread so much that there is no cure that we can give her and she has not that much time left, I'm so sorry." she said crying and walking away. I was so shocked that I just stood there. I didn't know how to react I waited for Karalyne to change so we could go. She walked out and she looked pale but, she smiled at me. "Hey dad." she said and I hugged her. "Hey, sweet pea."  I said and she let go. "Did they tell you what is wrong with me?" she asked and I had to keep it a secret away from her. "It was just a really bad fever but, it should be gone by today so you can perform tonight for Magcon." I said and she nodded her head. "Let's go get some dinner." she said and I nodded we walked out and she ran to Taylor and he spun her around and she giggled. He put her down and walked hand in hand to the car. She got in the car and Taylor stopped me from getting in, "What happened?" he asked and I started to tear up. "Well, she has cancer and they said it has spread so much that there is no cure and she has little time left."  I said and a tear fell, Taylor started crying too. "But, she can't die she is the only thing that makes me get up in the morning, she makes me happy every day she can't go." he said and started hugging me. "I know me too but, I'm not going to tell her because she won't enjoy what she has left." I said and he nodded his head. We both got in the car and Karalyne looked at us. "Why are you guys crying?" she asked and kissed both of our heads. "Oh, we saw a sad video." I lied and she nodded her head laying back down, "What do you want to eat?" I asked and she raised back up. "I don't care I just want some food." she said and we laughed. 

We stopped at Taco Bell and we got her, her favorite and we ate and drove around. We started driving around some houses and she looked at one and then looked down. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked her and she shook her head no. "That is Jacob's house." she said and I stopped the car. "Do you wanna see him?" she shook her head no and I started driving again. "I will explain later." Taylor mouthed to me and I nodded my head. We drove back to the hotel and we got out and walked inside. We got to our room and entered and everyone was sitting there staring at us. "What?" I said and Cam got up. "Where have you been?" he asked sternly "Cam we took Karalyne to the emergency room because she had a serious fever and you did nothing about it and me being the good dad I took her." I said and he walked towards me. "Don't ever call me a bad dad and I didn't know that she was sick or I would have taken her." he said getting in my face. Karalyne ran over to us and pushed us apart. "There will be no fighting or arguing in this room at all this trip so I suppose if you want to do that get out." she said and we both backed away and she sat on her bed. "Are you okay Karalyne?" I asked her and she nodded her head holding her head. "Yeah I just got a pounding headache." she said and I nodded my head. "Guys I need to talk to you in the hallway." Taylor said and we all followed behind him. 

We closed the door and all of us surrounded him. "What is it Taylor?" Aaron asked and he looked at me and I nodded my head. "We need to be happy around Karalyne we got some bad news tonight at the hospital so we just need to act like a family for once and be happy together she doesn't have that much time left." he said and the boys looked confused. "What do you mean not that much time left?" Jack G asked, "She has cancer and it has spread everywhere so there is no cure and she doesn't have that much time left so we need to be there for her and not tell her that she is going to die soon." I said and the boys looked like they were about to cry, except for Cameron. "I'm going for a walk." he said and walked away. "So she is dying slowly?" Hayes said with a cracked voice. "Yes but, you need to be strong for her and I know you can Hayes." I said and he hugged me. "It's hard to not think that she is not going to be here anymore." he said and that last part hit me hard to not picture Karalyne not here anymore. "Okay we are all going to go inside and act normal okay?" they all nodded their heads and we walked in. "I need some fresh air I'm going on a walk." she said passing us and running towards the stairs. 

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