It was just a Dream?

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(Karalyne's POV)

I woke up the next morning on the floor of someone's house. "Oh no..." I whispered. My head was spinning like crazy and my stomach was hurting badly. I didn't see Blake anywhere so I walked around the house and saw him in a bed with another girl naked. "So it wasn't a dream..." I was on the verge of tears and I ran out of the house. It was 10 in the morning and then I remembered what Shawn said. I started to run but, I couldn't because my head was spinning like crazy. I remembered taking a shot then another then another. "Great, well Shawn is going to be pissed." I whispered to myself, I saw my house and walked up to the door and hesitated to open it. I fixed my hair and my clothes before I went in. I opened it quietly and closed it without making a sound. I turned around to see Hayes there looking at me. "Have fun?" he said smirking. "Don't tell anyone about this..." I was then interrupted by all the guys looking at me. "Heyyy, guys..." I said acting like nothing happened. "Where were you, did you break any of my rules except the 11 o'clock one?" Shawn asked getting mad. "Maybe I did?" I said and they all looked at me. "You know my head really hurts so I'm going to go lay down and go clear my memory of last night and what I saw this morning so goodnight." I said walking up the stairs. "What one minute young lady which rule did you break!" Shawn yelled and I turned around and looked at him. "Well, I may have took more than probably 15 shots of something I don't remember but, I didn't do anything else I promise." I said and they all looked at me with wide eyes. "15!" they all yelled. "HEY, I only did it because something happened at the party that I don't want to explain!" I yelled back and went to my room. I changed out of my clothes and put on comfy clothes and laid in my bed, I sat there for a while and started to cry because of Blake and the party and everything messed up in my life. I still had another box of pills and razors under my bed that I hide. I got it out until I heard a knock but, I didn't answer it, my door swung open and I looked over my shoulder and saw Cameron standing there.

"So I heard about the party anything to explain to me?" he sat by me and saw the box. "Karalyne what happened at that party..." I nodded my head no and looked at the box. "Karalyne it's alright to tell me." he said and I looked over at him then lowered my head. "At the party, they were playing spin the bottle I didn't play because I knew what was going to happen, before the party even started a girl named Rebecca told me to stay away from Blake and she will make sure he will stay away, well at the party they played spin the bottle and it pointed to Blake and it was Rebecca's turn they went into a room and did something but, never came out. I heard sounds coming from the room and I knew what was happening so I let it happen, I should have never let it happen I got sad so I started to take shots before I knew it I already took about 17 shots and after that I can't remember because it is just a blur in my memory but, I didn't do anything with anyone so you don't have to worry about it." I said still in tears, Cam just held onto me and rocking me back and forth. "I didn't really like Blake anyways, he seemed a little too perfect when I met him." Cam said, I just looked at him then down again. "So, I came here to get you because I get you this week you know so you need to pack your bags for my house and Magcon." he said and I hugged him and started packing. I just packed all weather clothes and my electronics. I put my box in my bag and covered it with my clothes so they don't see it. "I'm ready." I said to him and he carried my bag down stairs. I still felt sick but, I just held it in. I walked down the stairs and everyone waited for me at the bottom. "Goodbye guys love you." I said and hugged all of them. I walked out and jumped into Cam's tesla.

"Hey Dad I have to ask you a question?" "Shoot away." he said back. "Did I go to the hospital last night, was Jacob here did I try to jump off a building did I do any of that?" I asked and he stopped the car. "What?" he looked at me confused. I explained my dream to him and he just looked at me. "So your telling me that was a dream?" I nodded my head. "Wow, you have a crazy brain." he said which made me laugh. "There that cute smile that I love." he said and I smiled at him. "So I have a friend coming over his name is Chris if that is alright with you?" he asked and I nodded my head yes. "I will just stay in my room in case you guys decide to party or something like that." I said and he nodded his head.

We parked in his drive way and got out. "I feel like I could run a marathon but, also could puke for like an hour." I said which made Cam laugh and have a questionable face. He carried in my bags and set them in my room. "Thanks daddy." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek he smiled and left my room. I explored around the house for a bit and found a secret room. I walked in and saw it was filled with boxes and pictures everywhere. I looked around and opened boxes. I found a box with my name on it. I looked inside and found my baby stuff and pictures of me and my family. I looked further in and found a picture of me and a boy. There was a lot of pictures of me and him. I found a disc with "Patterson Family"  written on it. I popped it into a dvd player. It first showed me and my mom, she was holding me and cuddling with me, and there was a boy that looked like he was at least 7. "Hi sissy." he said to me holding me. I kept on thinking until I remembered a boy when I was little. "Come here Dylan." my mom said tickling him. His laugh was adorable. I started to cry because my family used to love me and I had a brother that I never met or remember. I took out the disc and did some research to find him. I finally found him and he was a lot older, he was now 18, and he lived in Toronto, Canada and his real name is Dylan Minnette.

"Karalyne dinner is ready!" Cam yelled and I was surprised I was here for that long. "Coming!" I yelled and ran down the stairs. "I smell Taco Bell!" I said and he laughed and there was another boy there too. "Who is this Dad?" I said and the guy looked at him then me. "Well, this Chris my best friend." he said and I waved. "And who is this Cam?" Chris said "Oh, yeah I adopted her a long time ago she is my daughter." he said and he nodded his head. "Well, nice to meet ya Karalyne." I smiled and shook his hand. We ate our Taco Bell and I rushed upstairs, "Karalyne come here!" I rolled my eyes and turned back around. "Yeah?" "Me and Chris are gonna have a party so stay in your room alright." I shook my head and went up to the secret room and looked around some more. I thought for a while and I wanted to meet my brother so I booked a flight to Toronto tonight for 2 days. I went to my room quietly so no one would hear me. I walked into my bedroom and packed my under armor backpack with clothes, money, chargers, and  my electronics. I called an uber to come pick me up, I left a note for my dad.

Dear Dad,

I have left to Toronto for 2 days and will be meeting you guys in Miami for the Magcon event. I have ran away to Toronto because I have found out on my own that I have long lost brother. I love you guys see you soon,


I climbed out of my window and down my ladder by my window. I crouched down so no one would see me and I ran out to the uber in the front. "Airport please." I said and the girl turned around and I couldn't believe who was driving me. "Are you Kristian McGowan?" I said and she nodded her head. "I love your YouTube videos." I said and she smiled "Thank you and I hope you don't take this a wrong way but, why are you be yourself shouldn't you be with your dad or mom." she said "Well, they don't know that I left but, my dad is Cameron Dallas and I was adopted and I found out that I have a brother that lives in Toronto, Canada so I'm going to go see him." I said and she looked at me. "Oh well good luck and here we are." she said and I tipped her and thanked her. She drove off and I got my bags and went inside the airport. "OMG your Karalyne Dallas can I get a picture." a bunch of girls and boys came up to me and I gave them hugs and pictures with them. "Thanks guys bye." I said and waved they waved back. I got through security and got on my flight to Toronto to see my brother and I was excited but scared that he will not know who I am. I plugged in my ear buds and fell asleep and hours later I woke up and saw outside Toronto. The plane landed and I got my stuff out and it was 8 in the morning right now. Last time I came here was when me and Shawn escaped from Cameron. I got out of the boy's private jet and yes I did take it. I looked at my phone and saw missed calls and text messages from everyone. My phone rang and it was Shawn for a FaceTime.

K-Hey Shawn how's it going at home

S-Karalyne where are you Cam says your not in the house where are you

One of the people that operated the plane- Karalyne your limo will be waiting outside for you in the front, have a nice stay in Toronto.

K- Thanks Steve

S-Why are you in Toronto Karalyne

K-Um some reasons I will explain later now I have to go

S-Um no get ba-

I ended the call and got in my limo. "Toronto Hotel please" the drive nodded his head and started to drive.

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