Hospital Part 2

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(Karalyne's POV)

I didn't sleep at all that night, I was worried that if I closed my eyes then I could die any minute. I thought about it and thought about all of those times I wanted to die and the times I did commit suicide, but this time I didn't want to die my life was actually put back together and I did want to live. "Hey sweetie we are going to run a test real quick." the doctor said and I nodded my head. They drew my blood and it didn't take forever which was a good thing. "Okay sweetie you can go back to bed." the doctor said I nodded my head. She left the room and got my phone out and looked at all of the pictures of me and all of the guys together. I started to bawl my eyes out because I won't have that anymore. It was currently 4 in the morning and I haven't stopped crying I could feel my heart rate go slower and slower, I was dying slowly which is the worst way to die. Cameron still doesn't know which I know when he finds out he will break out of his shell and break down. 

I called him because I wanted to tell him I was alright. 

K-Hey dad can you come down to the hospital that is 20 minutes away from your house

C-Yeah what happened baby girl why are you crying

K-I will explain later just please come visit me before its too late

C-Okay I will be down there in 5 minutes hold on babygirl love you bye

K-Bye love you too

I hung up still crying I looked at my instagram and all of my social media's and they all are still filled with hate, I don't get it I did nothing to have this happen. I could feel my heart beat go slower and slower by the minute, was this it? I just sobbed harder and harder Cameron bolted through the door and hugged me. "Tell me what's going on and why was that lady in the front about to cry when I said your name?" he said and I looked at him. "Because I'm dying Dad, I only have a 30% chance of living and I have lung cancer." I said crying harder, he held onto me tighter. "You can't go because if you do then nothing will be the same..." he said crying. "I know and I was just thinking about it, I won't have you or Shawn to annoy when I'm bored or Nash and Matt to smack cam or Hayes to play football with, I won't have JJ and G when I want to penny board down to the store with, I won't have carter to play video games with and beat him everytime because he sucks at games, and I won't have mahogany to help me shop or talk about boys and I won't have my best friend." I said and Cam looked at me. "But you guys and the memories will always be right here." I said pointing to our hearts "I know but you can't go yet, I can't tell myself everyday that my own daughter is gone and I won't be able to see you when I want to our make you laugh or make you smile or even take you down the ile when you get married." Cam said which broke my heart even more, I could feel my breathing getting heavier and heavier. "Dad go get the nurse now or I will be saying goodbye right now." I said and he ran to the nearest nurse and she ran into my room and had nurses follow behind her wheeling me out of my room, my hand disconnected with Cam's and I felt my eyes go heavy and all I could hear was doctor yelling at me to stay alive but, I wasn't strong enough.  "Listen honey, you run this thing, you either chose to stay or you chose to leave." she whispered in my ear. 

I felt my body moving and I was standing up but I was just a shadow so no one could see me. I saw myself and I looked so bad, lifeless is the word I should use. Cam ran besides me and I tried grabbing him but my hand went through him. Did this mean I died, I had so many questions running through my head? I saw the nurses talking to Cam so I walked over there and listened to the conversation. "We don't know if we lost her or not she is not breathing but, her heart monitor is still going, she is not in a coma but, we think that is a sign that she might die and we will try our best to make sure she stays alive." the nurse said and Cam broke down right after they left. "Why her, she never deserved any of this? People say if you love people then to let them go but, not this time because she deserves just one more chance doesn't she?" as he looked up trying to get a sign from somewhere, I sat by him and laid my head on his shoulder. "It will be alright because I chose to stay no matter what." I said and he didn't see or hear me. I got up and went into the room that I was in and they were talking. "This girl only has 10% left it will be a miracle if she survives." one of them said and they all agreed. "Is this really the end?" I asked myself, I saw the other boys run in were cam was and they all did a big group hug. I went out of the room to see what the boys were talking about. "You know if she does pass away we aren't adopting another child because I won't be able to get over her she all lights up world, she can't go she hasn't experienced anything except for hell and that's going to change if she makes it because we are all one big family right?" Cam said and they all nodded "Do you guys remember the first time we brought her home and we all had a smack cam war and she won." Shawn said laughing from the memory I actually remember that day like it was yesterday. "Yeah, that girl can hit too, she can also through a ball, and ran like a freaking cheeta I don't know how but, she is faster than me and she is a skate boarding queen." Hayes said and everyone laughed. "Yeah..." everyone said and smiled. "Karalyne Mendes Dallas Family" the doctor said and they all turned around. "We are all here." Cameron said and the lady looked at her papers, "May I speak to the guardians of Karalyne first." Shawn and Cameron walked over to her and she looked at them. 

"So Karalyne is down to 10% it will be a miracle if she makes this process, we have never had this happen before, she is fighter I can tell, if she isn't awake by 10 am we will have to pull the plug." she said and I dropped down and started crying. "Why does this always happen to me you were supposed to help me not make me die you know." I said looking at the sky and then I saw a bright light and I heard my heart monitor go crazy and all the doctors were rushing to me. I ran inside the room and saw them doing CPR and pluging stuff into monitors and using a breathing tube they were doing everything they tried until my line went flat. "No, this girl is going to survive she needs to stay guys c'mon do everything you got!" one of the doctors yelled and they tried to everything they could think of. "We can't she is gone..." one of them said. "No this can't happen...."  I said and everything was going away. "NO PLEASE STOP I NEED TO SAY GOODBYE FIRST PLEASE!" I yelled and I started to see everything again. I ran out and saw all of the boys crying. I bent down to Shawn and Cameron, "Dad's you guys helped me through so much and I couldn't ask for anyone else ever, I'm so glad that you chose me Cam and Shawn I'm so sorry I did this to you I tried to fight but, I couldn't do anything I'm so sorry I love you guys." I said and said everything to every boy. I got up and gave them a kiss on the forehead and Jacob was last. I bent down and saw him crying like crazy, "Jacob I know you will find true love some day I just wanted one last kiss but, it's too late." I said and kissed his lips but, he didn't move because they couldn't hear or see me. 

I got up and went to my room and looked at me and stood by my bed. "Now listen here, you will make that monitor go back to life no matter how much you screwed up in life you will fight for Jacob, the boys and your dad's because they need you right now and you are not there to save them, you need them, they need you." I said and my heart monitor beeped again and I saw my body go back into my orignal body. I fluttered my eyes open and the doctors dropped there jaws. "May I see Jacob Sartorius please?" I asked and they nodded there heads.

(Jacob's POV)

She is gone, she is not here anymore. It felt like a dream but, it was reality. I heard footsteps come towards the hall and saw Karalyne's doctor. "May I see Jacob Sartorius please?" she asked and everyone looked at me and I got up and she lead me to Karalyne's room. "We will leave you two alone." she said and everyone got out, I went over to her bed and saw her beautiful blue eyes look into mine. "I'm back." she said and I didn't saw anything I just smashed my lips against hers, they moved in sync, it was a long and passionate kiss. We finally let go "I knew you could do it babe." I said and hugged her. "I'm glad that I'm back." she said and I got in her bed and cuddled with her. "You want the guys to come in here?" I asked and she nodded her head yes. I got up and walked into the waiting room with a smile on my face that wouldn't come off. I looked at them and they looked at each other. "I think someone is waiting for you in there and all of you may go in there if you would like." I said and they all jumped up and ran to her room. 

(Shawn's POV)

I jumped up first and ran into her room first. There she was awake and waiting for us, "You guys really think that I would have left you don't you?" she asked with her million dollar smile. "For a second there yes but, I knew you would make it." I said and gave her a hug and kissed her forehead. Cam pushed me over and did the same, then the rest of the guys. "So when do I get out of this jail."  Karalyne said and everyone laughed "You can get out right now actually." I said and she nodded her head. "Where my clothes at?" she said and I handed her some clothes. We got out and she changed, I signed her out and we left.

(Karalyne's POV)

I got out of the hospital and the drive home was silent but, it was nice also. We got home and I ran to my room and jumped on my bed. My phone ringed and  I answered it.

Unknown- Hello is this Karalyne Mendes Dallas

K- Yeah but, I prefer Karalyne Mendes

Unknown- Okay we have a offer for you it is a music video to Trampoline by Kalin and Myles are you interested in it?

K-Yeah I would love to when do I need to come to the studio

Unknown- Tomorrow around sunset time so 8:30, and gate 5, oh and we have your makeup and dresser here thank you for taking the offer

K- Thank you so much I will be there tomorrow

I was so excited but I didn't want to tell the boys because I know they are going to be like "No we don't know if it is safe for you" or "No you just got out of the hospital" so I will just keep it a secret. 

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