Chapter - 2

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Aileen's POV

With a little hesitation, I entered into the department. For a minute I was just lost into the beautiful infrastructure, how beautifully the department was carved I thought in my heart. I noticed other students too waiting for their turn to get admission. I found an empty seat and sat there waiting for my turn. After a while, I heard a voice from my left side.


I turned around and found my best friend standing there.

"Assalamualikum Aneeba" I said with a tight hug.

"Walaikum Assalam, How are you?" she asked.

"I am good. What about you? I thought none of my friends is going to join this college. Thank You, I got my normal heartbeat again." I said all these in one breath.

"Whoa whoa wait, I am also good. Well, this is what true friends are meant for." She said this with a wink and a smile.

"Ya-ya I know" I said this while giving a light punch on her shoulder.

Thank you Allah for sending Aneeba for my help.

I heard a voice again.

"Miss Aileen Raza"

This is not from any of my friends but from the office. I quickly took my documents and went inside the office. I noticed that the office is large and a man sitting on a big leathery seat checking documents. I was not the only applicant there. There are another girl and a boy.
Well, I had no problem till I realised that the boy was staring at me. I didn't know why doesn't he know anything about lowering the gaze? Well, now I started feeling a little uncomfortable in the office. I was just trying to ignore him as good as I could.

"Mr Fahad Zaar, your documents are completely fine for continuation. Now you can join the classes from tomorrow in MA 2nd year." The man on the leathery chair said.

"Ok Sir" the boy answered in a rough tone whose name is Fahad, I think. He collected all his documents and before getting out of the office he gave me the last stare. I didn't know why he was staring. Do I know him? No stupid, how do I??

"Miss Aileen Raza, your documents are also correct. Now your classes will start next week." The man on the leathery chair said.

"Thank you" I said with a smile and left the office after collecting my original documents.

I found Aneeba waiting for me

"Admission is done?" she asked

"Yes Alhumdullilah"

"Congrats, welcome to the world's famous college" she said while giving me a big smile and a hug.

"Miss Aneeba Faheem" a voice comes from the office

"Now it's your turn, go" I said.

"Yeah going," she said and rushed towards the office.

"Easy girl, everything will be in your favour" I shouted a little from her back.

"Thanks, Grandma" She replied and moved inside the office.

Her admission was also done without any problem.
I called my dad to pick me.

"Assalamualikum dad" I said quickly when he answered the call.

"Walaikum Assalam dear, admission has done?" he asked.

"Yes dad, can you pick me now from the department?"

"Nice, sorry my girl I can't. Take a bus, you will get it easily on the bus stop which is not so far from your department.... ok?" he said.

"Ok dad, no problem" I answered in assuring tone

"Allah Hafiz"

I also said goodbye to Aneeba and moved outside the department.

I noticed the same boy "Fahad" again who was smoking with some other boys. He watched me too and started following me.

Well, that was really creepy now.

Ya Allah, why is he following me?

I started sweating not because of heat but because of fear. I found the bus on the stop. I quickly ran towards the bus and sat on the window seat. I sighed. Then I noticed someone sitting on my nearby seat. I turned around and found that boy 'Fahd'. Oh no, what he is doing here?

"Hey girl, you are the same from the department?" he asked.

Why is he talking to me? I can smell the smoke of the cig.

"Y-yes" I replied him with a trembling voice.

"Ok good, I am your senior then. Be ready." He smirked and then left the bus at the next stop.


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