Chapter - 20

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Aileen's POV

The night seemed dark as always. A number of travellers wanted to reach their destination but still, the darkness misleading them from their real target. Trees were swinging and its leaves were chanting in the horror of unknown. Silently moving waves were adding a cursed lullaby.

Everything seemed like a scary movie, in which I was lost. My heart was beating like never before, but still beating. I felt so paralysed. I couldn't able to walk more, alone. I felt so numb, so weak. I wanted to call him but I couldn't, I knew he wouldn't come.

I wanted to get rid of my own soul, misery. My existence was irritating me.

Why I was even alive?

For whom?

He has gone, forever.

Far away from me, in the middle of darkness. I saw bacon of light, a bright light. Someone stood there, like waiting for someone. I narrowed​ my gaze to recognise the standing figure from my blurry vision.

It was him.

Ya Allah, I couldn't believe.

He was actually him.


I shouted. He didn't reply but the thing which hurt me the most was that he didn't even approach me by watching in what condition I was.

I was dying.

But don't know how that light was attracting me as a butterfly attracts towards a beautiful flower. The light somehow became a source of energy to me.

"I want you to live Aileen."

I heard him. This was Umar's voice. But still, I couldn't able to see his face.

"Please Umar, Don't punish me." I spoke. My heart was bleeding, aching deep inside.

"How can I, my love? You're the one who is punishing yourself."

He said with the calmest voice, which was striking hard against my broken heart.

"Umar don't go." I cried

He didn't reply.

Why wasn't​ he looking at me? I wanted to see him. My eyes were struggling hard to just watch a glimpse of him.

"Umar, please."

"Umar" I screamed.

The darkness was scaring me as if any second it will eat me alive.

"Don't leave me alone, again." I cried, still he didn't reply.

I cried, cried like a little kid.


I heard a voice again. But this time it wasn't​ of Umar.

"Aileen, wake up. Everything is okay." I heard Shazman's calmed voice.

His voice woke me up. I sat on the bed, still crying.

"H-he is gone. I n-need him. H-he.." I spoke.

"Aileen, everything is okay. Stop crying." He said from beside me and engulfed my little shaking form in his protective embrace.

"Shazman, why he l-left me? A-am I t-that bad?" I asked between my snobs, my tears wetted his shirt.

He cupped my face and said with the most intense voice.
"No Aileen, never think something like this. Wallah, you're so innocent."

Then he kissed my forehead gently.

"Now sleep." He said

He made me calm. I was feeling sleepy and my head was aching. He made me sleep on my pillow and lifted blanket over me. I felt a thumb cleaning my tears and then I drifted into a deep slumber.

I woke up at Fajr time. My mind took a while to understand where I was. I was in Shazman's room. I saw a figure sleeping peacefully beside me. I moved out from the warm blankets and moved forward towards the washroom to do my ablution. When I was washing my face all the memories started filming into my mind, the nightmare and how Shazman calmed me down.

It was embarrassing.

I shouldn't have to open myself like this. What he must be thinking about me. With all my courage I walked out from the washroom.

I found he was all wake awaiting to go in washroom. While lowering my face I walked aside.

"Assalamualaikum" he said amusingly

"-waalaikum Assalam" I replied.

"Wait for me." He said and rushed inside the washroom.

We both read our Salah together.

"Shazman," I said in a low voice.


"Sorry, f-for what I did last night. I-I shouldn't​ break in front of you l-like that. I- I.."

"Aileen" his voice stopped my confession

He cupped my face and said.
"Look into my eyes." His voice was so intimidating and his closeness was something made me struggle hard. The intensity in his voice was urging me to look into his eyes, for the first time.

I moved my gaze upward and for the first time, I saw directly into his eyes. There was something in it. Something in it was hypnotising me. His deep reddish brown chestnut orbs were sparkling as if trying to tell an untold story. For the first time in my life, I saw this long in someone's eyes. His voice snapped me out from his trap.

"Last night you called my name for the first time. This is the only thing I noticed. It was beautiful. And now again you call me by my name. Lord! One day you​ will be the reason for my downfall. " He said looking deeply into my hazel orbs as if looking directly into my soul.


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