Chapter - 10

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Aileen's POV

So here finally my vacations started. That means no college, no study & no bus, just sleep, pray, fun, food, novels and then again back to sleep.

I was in my room on my comfy bed tearing the third packet of Cheetos, like really; with simple loose and comfortable dress, hair in a light bun and what I was really doing is nothing! Looking like a whole mess.

"Girl! Stop eating those stuff the whole day." Mum ordered while entering in my room "Go and have your dinner." She said while snatching the packet of Cheetos from my hand.

O my Cheetos!!

Now, this was wrong.

"Don't you know Mum, this is a 'crime' to snatch that packet from my hand."

Mum glared

"Mum please I will, after eating that." I said while pointing my loving stuff.

"No!" She commanded.

I surrendered. I lifted myself from the most comfortable zone and moved​ to my washroom, did ablution and after praying Isha I had my dinner.

The vacations passed so quickly by doing really 'nothing' at all. Only one week was left for the reopening of the university.

I was in my garden when Mum said


"We got an invitation for dinner tonight," she said

I wondered​ from whom we have got the invitation for dinner because I and my family knew only a few people in this town excluding the business relations​ of Dad.

"From whom?" I asked

"From Shama, Malik's"

"Oh, nice" This was all my reply.

"Yes so be ready at 8 o'clock sharp".

"Ok Mum" I replied her.

I prayed​ my Maghrib Salah and saw the tick-tock; it flashes 7:15 pm. I still had time to get ready for dinner. I quickly took a shower, chose a dark reddish brown colour long dress with white bottom, applied some light makeup and wrapped my hair neatly with a white scarf which had reddish brown borders on it. And then finally wore my black abaya. I was finally ready. I took a last look onat wall-length mirror and moved out of the room at sharp 8 o'clock. You know, very punctual I am.

My Mum and Dad were still not ready. Oh great! Mum ordered me to get ready on time and see she herself was getting late. Dad came out of the room.

"Oh, my daughter is ready?" He asked​ with a blissful smile.

"Yes Dad, where is Mum?" I asked

"As usual just two minutes!" He chuckled

I chucked.

After approximately ten minutes she came out​ from her room.

"We are getting late. Come on or else we will all gonna miss the delicious dinner." She said while smiling, all aware that she is the one who was the latecomer here.

Our car halted near a big house or more I can say a mansion. Gatekeepers​ opened the gate and Dad parked our car in the parking area. I wondered​ how big this area really is. Mum pressed​ a button near the door on which a bell was made. Shama Aunty welcomed us.

"Assalamualaikum" she greeted us with a great smile whilst engulfed me and Mum in a hug.

We entered into the hall. I noticed the interior decoration and that was great. A large chandelier hung in the middle of the hall which enhanced the beauty of it.

"So Aileen, how's your studies going?" Shama Aunty asked

" Great Aunty Alhamdullilah" I replied with a slight smile

Near Aunty, there was a man sitting nearly in his 50's age, who was Shama Aunty's husband. Dad and Uncle were busy in their business talks. Shama Aunty and Mum got busy in their worldly talks.

"Assalamualaikum" I heard a voice, familiar voice.

I turned my head and found Shazman standing there. I completely forgot that he is the son of Shama Aunty. How could I? Stupid me. All replied of his Salam and he too joined us.

"So, your name is Aileen. Right?" He asked

I shifted my gazes to mum and dad, they were busy in their talks.

"Yes" I replied while lowering my gaze.

"So how's your vacations going?" He asked in an amusing tone

"W-well great.." I replied while thinking about how I spend my who vacation dating with Cheetos

"May I ask you something?"

"S-sure" I said and my heart started beating fast

"Do you have a speaking problem? I mean you stammer a lot while speaking, seriously I am saying, I know a doctor who is good in dealing with such problems." He said in a casual way

Wait, what?

I mean really?

"No!" I quickly replied with full confidence.

"Then why you keep on stammering while talking to me? "

I opened​ my mouth to reply which I myself don't know what before it I heard Shama Aunty's voice.

"Ok, now time for delicious dinner."
Ahh, I said she is a great woman.

Without answering him I stood up from my place and moved towards the dining hall. I took​ my chair with a blissful smile. I sat beside Mom and Dad. Shama Aunty sat beside Zahid Uncle and Shazman sat beside her.

We started our dinner with Bismillah. There were too many varieties on dining table some are Indian and some Chinese, finally a custard. All tasted too good. I thought how much time these dishes took to prepared. Well, all the dishes were too good and delicious.

"Hope you all enjoyed dinner." Shama Aunty spoke

"Yeah, those were too good Shama, jazakil Allah Khair." Mum replied with a genuine smile

"Wa iyyaki, Oh how stupid I am. I forget to order ice cream. Wait I will call Shazman."

"Oh, Shama. That's good enough. Really no need of it. We are already full Alhamdullilah." Said Mum with an assuring tone.

"No, if you don't want then ok, but I and Aileen want that."  She said while moving her eyes towards me.

What? Me?

"What?" I said with a little shock

"Yes!" She said

"No Aunty really there is really no need to."

"Aileen, don't be shy. Just go out with my stupid son and choose your flavour with yourself. Ok? Only if Fatima allowed you and I hope she will." She said while Mum broke into laughter on her friend's attitude

"Ok, I will not stop her, go," Mum said

How could you do this Mum?

But to be very honest, every part of my heart denied to go along with 'him'.


Chapter 10 continues in the next part...

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