Chapter One | New Attractions

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Urban Novel

This is an urban fiction novel. I advise you not to continue beyond this point, if you can't handle graphic content (shooting and fighting), very explicit language, and or very sexual scenes. If those things aren't your cup of tea, then this story here isn't for you. Happy reading to all who continue beyond this point of the book. I promise, you won't regret it ;)

Copyrighted 2014 @qveenV_, Vanessa Wright All Rights Reserved ! ®

There should be no copying of any parts of this book. Consequences may vary. Characters, some places, and events are all fictional and made up by the author, Vanessa Wright. The cover was created by me, I do not own the photos used on the cover of this book.

Chapter One | New Attractions

*Let the show begin*


"Aliyah, baby girl. Get up, you have school today." My dad screamed into my room from the doorway. Ugh, did he really have to be so damn loud about it? It was way too early for all of that and he knew I hated it when people woke me up being all loud and shit. Screaming in the morning pissed me off. At least let me wake up a little bit first before you decide to talk so high. By now I was highly aggravated. This happens quite often.

I groaned loudly and turned over in my bed, bringing the covers up over my face to drown out his deep and loud yelling inside of my room. Sleep was a girl's best friend & he was disturbing the peace right about now. I'd made the mistake of staying up all last night talking to Paris on the phone and forgot I had school today.

"5 minutos más papá (5 more minutes dad)," I muttered to him before closing my eyes back shut, trying to catch a bit more sleep before I really did have to get up for school, or shall I say hell. It was early February and I was more than ready for May to arrive so I could graduate and be done with that chapter of my life. It was like every day that passed I started to hate school more.

"Liyah, you know I don't speak that shit. I'm not your damn mother you know. I'm 100% negro, not that other shit." he said and chuckled a bit too loud for my liking. Damn. Couldn't a girl catch some sleep without being interrupted all the time. My level of annoyance was only growing the more he spoke to me.

I realized that I had spoken in Spanish. I tended to always forget that my dad couldn't speak Spanish like me and my mom could. Him not understanding had it's perks though. We could be talking about him while he's in the room and he wouldn't have a clue about it. He hates it when we use our 'foreign' language around him because he feels left out all the time. We liked it that way too, so we still did it despite his not liking of it.

Soon the unoccupied side of my bed sunk in, and I knew he had let himself into my room without permission. I guess the huge ass "KEEP OUT" sign that hung on my door wasn't big enough for him. I sighed, once he sat there without saying anything.

After a couple seconds of silence, I came to conclusion that he wasn't going to get out any time soon. I sat up in bed throwing the covers from my face, and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I looked at him with a bored look and he smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"You're right. I keep forgetting that you only have nigger in you papa." I said sarcastically and returned his smirk.

He chuckled again. "You better watch your mouth little girl. You have nigger in you too in case you forgot. You got more nigger than you do of the other shit." he said defensively. My dad was a funny dude. He always got defensive when we brought up that he was only black. I wasn't throwing shade because hell, I'm half black and I embrace it.

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