Chapter Ten | Meeting Ma Dukes

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Chapter Ten | Meeting Ma Dukes



School was let out a lot early today because of supposedly bad weather. When the principal got on the intercom ad told us we could leave school, that literally made me smile like no other. School was crappy today anyway, so ending it boosted my spirits just a little bit. Andre had decided to skip school with Trent and go elsewhere for the day. He claimed him & Trent had business to handle, but I doubt if it was that important to miss school for. Whatever they were doing, I hope it was worth leaving me & Paris here alone for. We were so lonely at lunch. I haven't even had my daily laugh of the day because those two idiots weren't here.

I opened the door and got out of my truck, then walked up the steps to the front porch of my home. It was about to storm badly, and I didn't want to be caught out in it the mix of all of that which is why I came straight home. I unlocked the front door only to walk into screaming, and my dad ranting about on and on about something to my mother. I sighed and shut the door closed behind. Just what the hell am I walking into?

"How the fuck could this happen?" my dad screamed as his fist swiftly connected with one of our walls, knocking a picture from it's hinge and falling. It came crashing down onto the floor in pieces that could not be repaired. The glass shattered everywhere and was now all over the floor. I just stood their in my tracks as I watched the scene from a distance. My dad was angry, but I didn't know why and apart of me didn't want to.

My mother made her way over to him wrapped her arms around his waist from the back, trying to console him on whatever had went down that got him so livid. I already knew it had something to do with the game that my dad loved so much. Whenever something bad happened in his life, it always led back to his illegal occupation. I noticed the blood leaking from his fist and onto the floor, but I still didn't move. I was frozen for no reason.

"Darrel please calm down baby, everythings going to be fine." My mother said trying to stop my dad's rage from soaring through the roof, but of course it never worked. When he's mad, he's mad. Nearly nothing can stop his rage and anger from running through his veins. My dad has anger issuses, but he doesn't admit it. I think I got a bit of that from him as well.

"That's not how the game goes Melody. It's like when I get 1 step ahead, I get knocked 2 steps back repeatedly. This shit is just crazy man. I'll be back later, don't wait up for me either." he snatched out of her grasp roughly before storming out of the front door, not even looking back to spare neither of us a glance or goodbye. I just stood their in silence wondering what the hell had him so upset about this time. I sighed and finally moved to go and see what was up from my mother.  

She shook her head, and began to pick up the broken pieces of glass from the on the floor. I sat my purse down on the table and helped her. "What happened?" I asked as I careful picked up the shards of glass, hoping not to cut myself in the process.

"The game happened baby. Your father got a call not to long ago from Mac. Someone murked Lil P, or something like that. I'm tired of this Liyah, I really am. I'm tired of trying to make him feel better after something happens with his "business". He always ends up leaving me behind to clean up the mess he made here. I'm getting fed up with your father, a woman can only take so much and I've taken way too much already." she said as she wiped a stray tear that fell from her eye and tossed the glass into the bin.

I didn't want my mom to leave my dad, but if that's what she had to do to be happy then, I support her on it 100 pecent. My dad does a lot of shit, and my moms has always been down for him through it all. I don't understand, but then I do understand where she's coming from. A woman can only take so much shit until she's fed up and ends up leaving. My mom has been with my dad for my whole life plus, so I'm used to them together, but I can get use to them being apart if it comes to that for my mom's happiness.

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