Chapter Twenty One | Two Steps Back

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Chapter Twenty One | Two Steps Back


A couple weeks have passed and I find myself laid up by the pool with a neon yellow two-piece swimsuit on, enjoying the warm sun. I was laid out beside my mother, Paris, and aunt Tasha right now on lounge chairs. I know, what a perfect moment, huh? Exams were slowly approaching us, along with spring break as well. It's the middle of April & we get out the first week of May, bummer right? I'm ready for it to get here though. I graduate from high school at the end of June. Turn down for what as most would say.

We were currently away at one of Orlando's extravagant resorts for my mother's suppose to be Bachelorette party or getaway. My mom doesn't associate with many females, so its just the four of us here enjoying this all expense paid trip, thanks to my dad. I was enjoying myself, although I missed a special someone back in Miami.

The wedding is in a little over a week away from now. My mother is very impatient & the pregnancy only makes it all worst. She didn't want to wait any longer so she moved the date as close as possible. It isn't going to be a huge extravagant wedding like you see on television or anything, but something small and elegant for her. Only family and friends were invited to this event, so it should go as planned. I'm super excited for my parents too. After all of these long years of waiting they finally decided to get together the right way. This year has brought so many new things, including me a new sibling soon. God, why did my mother wait so late?

"Liyah, what are you thinking about over there? We've been calling your name for the past minute now." Aunt Tash shouted into my ear and I instantly snapped out of my intense train of thoughts. I did that when I had a lot on my mind, much like right now. I just zone out to think about everything.

"I'm sorry, I was spaced out. What y'all want?"

"We're going to get in the pool. You coming?" Paris asked as she got up from the lounge chair revealing her neon orange one-piece swim suit. We bought these the same day from Hot Topic.

"No, I'll be in later though." I said as I pulled my phone out from my bag. I had a couple of twitter mentions, instagram likes, and even a couple of snapchats from random dudes. How they got my username, I may never know. I decided to facetime you know who to see what baby was up to today. We've been on this retreat for three days now, and I haven't really been communicating with him at all. Everytime I call he's either busy or tired.

Just as I was clicking on his contact name my phone was snatched away from my hands with ease. I was just about to let out a string of curse words to them, but realized it was my mother standing over me with my phone in her hand. She smirked down at me as she wiggled it in front of me.

"Ma, why you taking my phone ?" I asked with a confused expression plastered on my face.

"If I'm not allowed to talk to my baby on this trip, then neither are you." she said and stuffed the phone inside of her Micheal Kors purse. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the chair behind her. These pregnant woman strengths have never failed to amaze me. I was forever stunned.

"Ugh, ma please. Just for a minute." I begged her. I wasn't one to really beg for anything, but damn I needed this phone call right now. I was going through withdrawal.

"Fine Liyah, one minute only." she said as she handed me back my cellphone. I grinned from ear to ear as I looked up at her. She looked rather annoyed, but who cares at least I got my call. Her emotions are always everywhere. Pregnancies make you bipolar, fat, and makes your bladder smaller. I wasn't ready for that, maybe I would never be ready for it.

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