Chapter Twelve | Date Night

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Chapter Twelve | Date Night



We were still in the car driving to only him and God knows where right about now. I didn't bother asking him any questions, I just enjoyed the ride like he had told me to do before we got in here. We had been driving for about a good 20 minutes now, and I was starting to get bored in here. It was silent inside of here, other than the faint sounds of 'I Won' by Future playing in the background.

"Are we there yet ?" I asked impatiently as I looked out the car and onto the rode, and then back over to him. His eyes were focused straight ahead of him, not paying me any attention.

"Actually we are." he said, while pulling over into an empty parking lot not far from the road. There was a 2 story building in front of us with bright shining lights that illuminated the soon to be night's sky that sat above us. The sun was beginning to set, and the light blue sky was quickly fading and becoming a darker shade.

I was beyond confused as to why we were at an empty building. I didn't ask any questions though, I just got out of the car and walked around meeting him in front. He grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together before we started walking in the direction of the building's entrance. I grew nervous for some reasom with each step we took.

"What are we doing here ?" I asked after having many battles inside of my head about asking that question. He looked over at me with a slight smkle and shook his head.

"You'll see, just be patient Liyah." he laughed and squeezed my hand. I rolled my eyes, and continued to walk along side him with my hand interlaced tightly with his. Just this simple gesture had me on cloud 9 right now. When he touches me my heart accelerates and damn near jumps out of my chest. I don't know what it is about him, but he just does something to me.

As we entered the double doors of the restaurant that was called 'Seychelles' , there were rose petals scattered in a line, and candles making a trail down and through the empty restaurant. All of the lights were on, but there were no customers or workers there. Okay, what the hell was this? I walked ahead of Andre because he was going far to slow for me. I followed the trail of roses, making turns here and there. I looked back, but Andre wasn't even there anymore. Out of sight. Where did he go, and why was he playing games with me right now? We were on a date, like seriously?

"Andre stop playing around." I said to nobody in particular as I looked around for him in the place. I'm sure he could hear me, wherever he was. I sighed as I started to panic. The thought of him being missing quickly left as I continued to follow the trail of candles through the whole restaurant and even up the stairs to the next level. I was on the second floor still following some stupid flowers around, trying to see what awaited me at the end of the maze that I was currently in.

I continued to go through the restaurant, but soon my feet stopped when I came to the end of the rose petals and candles. I slowly looked up to see one of the most beautiful sights in front of me. There was a table sat out on a balcony with the view of the ocean right infront. The sun was setting, which made the scenery just that much more beautiful. The table was surrounded in rose petals and candles as well. It lit up the night and it just made the scene even prettier.

My hand flew up to my mouth as fireworks burst into the air. There were red, gold, white, and green sparks flying into the sky, lighting it up along with the candles that surrounded. The scenery was beautiful. I couldn't believe that Dre had pulled this off, but he did, I think.I doubt if it was his work, but I don't care. It was beautiful and the thought of it is what mattered to me.

A pair of strong arms snaked around my waist, and the smell of the axe that he always wore filled my nostrils quickly. He smelt so damn good right now. Just having his arms wrapped around me in front of such a beautiful scene made the night perfect for me already. I didn't need anything else, just this right her was amazing to me.

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