Chapter Six | Holmes Household

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Chapter Six | Holmes Household



Last night was bomb as hell ! I couldn't believe he actually kissed me at the party. When it happened, I was in shock, but it was exactly what I'd wanted for a while. Everything was going good before Quan interrupted us, with his ignorant ass. I was kind of quiet afterwards, all because of that small altercation. I have a bad feeling that what went down between them lastnight is far from being over with, and I hate that. I hope my gut is wrong, and Quan got the hint that I don't want him, ever. He's a crazy dude, and his kind never just drops things and move along. I'd really be fucked if Andre got himself hurt because of me.

Every great night has to come to an end though, right? It was the next day, and my parents and I were sat around the breakfast table eating in the silence that consumed us. No one had said anything yet, but I knew my dad was bound to bring up what happened last night, any minute now. He was just waiting around, for what reason? Who knows, but I didn't really care. What happened, happened and I didn't regret any of it. I am 17 years old and I deserve some freedom.

"Everyone is rather quiet this beautiful morning." my mother spoke up looking between the two of us with a smug expression. I didn't bother looking up at her, because I knew my dad had already told her what he had saw last night. I just kept my eyes directly on my plate as I stuffed my face with the food that my mom had cooked for us.

"Well, since Liyah had such a great damn night last night, mind on telling us what made it so great sweetheart?" my dad sipped on his orange juice and turned his attention to me with a unreadable expression. I sighed and placed my fork on the plate as my mother did the same. I wanted to just get up and walk away, but I knew I would be in deeper shit than I am now.

Damn. I knew it was coming sooner or later. I hate when my dad is so overprotective of me like this, it's annoying as fuck. I mean, I'm almost in college now, he has to let up sometimes. He couldn't shelter me all my life. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself and my own very well. I don't need my drug dealing father hovering over me when I take interest in a guy. I know, that's a dad's job to check the guy out first, but damn we aren't even together.

I rolled my eyes and spoke with much attitude. "Yes, actually I do mind."

"Liyah, don't talk to your dad that way. Usted sabe mejor que eso (You know better than that)" my mother snapped at me and I rolled my eyes once again. I really needed to get out of here before I did something I'd regret later.

It was even worst when my mother backed him up. I always stick up for her, and you see how she does me? I mean, I could understand if I actually did something bad, but this wasn't a crime. I enjoyed my night out with a boy, so what ! If I was to be out with a girl all the time, they'd have shit to say, but now that I'm with a boy they're still down my throat. The saying was true, you could never please everyone, so I've been stopped trying to do that. As long as I'm okay with it, then everyone else doesn't even matter.

"Well, no daddy. I don't want to explain to you how great my night was. Es eso mejor querida mamá ? (Is that better mommy dear)" I directed a forced smile to them both before I went back to my plate. I was quickly losing my appetite as the conversation went on and on. They were pissing me off to the highest and my patience was running very thin with them.

"You better watch who you're talking to little girl. My fault, I made a mistake asking you in the first place. Who was the damn boy that you supposedly had a great time with lastnight, and I won't ask you again." he directed at me with a frown on his face.

I pushed my plate away from me, and glared at him. It was 11 in the morning, which was too damn early to be hearing his bullshit. I don't have time for this. I was going over to Andre's place later to work on the project that we haven't even started on yet. I'd rather do school work than deal with his mouth. I was getting sick and tired of him and all of his rules. Graduation isn't coming soon enough, because I'm ready to get the hell out of here.

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