Chapter Fourteen | Trouble in Paradise

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Chapter Fourteen | Trouble in Paradise



I'm currently at home playing basketball with my little brother & my nigga Trent. These my main two niggas that I fuck with in Miami. I been spending so much time with Liyah and out in the streets that I been slacking with my younging and my nigga, but my little brother mainly. That little boy means more than everything to me, so I cleared the day just for him and of course box head ass Trent tagged along.

The nigga Lil P that we shot funeral is today. My dad had taken the news pretty well that we had taken a nigga out from the other team. I thought he was going to have my head for it, but I guess I was wrong on that one. My dad wanted to go shoot the funeral up, but I disagreed with that. My dad is a ruthless ass nigga, just like my grandpops. We already killed the nigga, why not let him get some peace before he got to hell, because that's exactly where he's going with the occupation field he's in.

I know, I do the same shit he did, but I don't plan to do it all my life. It's just a lil hustle to get my money up while helping my dad out at the same time. Once I graduate in May, I won't be doing this shit no more. I'm not trying to end up locked up or even worst, dead fucking around with some shit that I don't even fuck with. My dad makes his own decisions, I love him, but the game is all he knows and I refuse to be just like him.

"Y'all suck !" Aaron said as he dodged Trent and shot the ball into the goal again. He was a smaller version of me, nigga had skills. At the young age of 10 he was a cold baller already. He has a bright future ahead of him, and I made sure he kept his head in straight. Maybe when I graduate, I'll pursue basketball or some. A couple of scouts have already offered me deals & scholarships and shit, but I don't know what I want to do. I just have to make up my mind about where my head is going to be at after high school.

"Shut up lil nigga, you just got lucky, that's all." Trent sneered as he laid out on the hot ass grass. All of us were tired and sweaty as hell out here. We had been playing for about an hour or longer now and a nigga was tireder than a muthafucka.

I laughed and shook my head before plopping down on the grass right next to them. I laid back and looked up at the sky above me. The sun was shining and shit dead in my face, so I covered my eyes. A lightskin nigga can't take this shit, so I sat up quickly. I wasn't trying to get sunburned. Them niggas lightskin too, but it didn't bother them.

"I'm going to go shower, I'll be back you losers," Aaron said as he ran into the house through the backdoors. He hated being dirty. That nigga had some type of disorder or some. OCD was probably it, he hated dirt and shit.

"That li'nigga got some skills man." Trent broke out as he continued to lay on the grass. He was right though. Aaron was cold as fuck on the court. His heaight contributed to that, because that nigga almost as tall as I am at 10.

"Hell yeah, like me nigga. The fuck you expected?"

"Hell nah bro, yo sorry ass. I don't know why them scouts want you, yo' ass couldn't hoop if somebody taped the ball to yo damn hand and put the goal on the damn ground. Anyway, you never told me about yo' lil date. You hit or nah?" Trent smirked as he rubbed his hands together like Birdman.

Images from that night flooded my mind as I started remembering every little detail that took place. I couldn't help but to smile like a pussy nigga. Thinking about Liyah made me realize that I hadn't talked to her since I dropped her off the other day at Paris's house. I kind of felt bad, but I got caught up that night at the trap house and shit. I would text her, but I couldn't because all phones are off. It's strictly a nigga day, no females.

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