Chapter THIRTY FIVE - Baby Bliss

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Aliyah P.O.V

"I feel like pure shit. I am never eating Chinese food with you again." I mumbled out between gasps as I kneeled down in front of the toilet stool. I was emptying my entire stomach into the toilet bowl, all because Paris made me eat some nasty ass Chinese food last night. Now here I am sick the day of my mother's baby shower. Isn't that some bullshit to start off a great Saturday.

"Girl my bad, damn. I didn't know the chicken was spoiled, plus I didn't tell your ass to eat it." she laughed as she pulled my hair back from my face. I rolled my eyes, only to spit up more vomit from the pit of my stomach. I vow to never eat Chinese food again after that. Chinese people will give you anything, dogs, cats, rats, other people too hell. Ever wondered why they give the the whole buffet for only 8 dollars ? Stray animals are easy to find.

After I was done and my stomach was empty, I got up from the toilet and brushed my teeth all over again. I felt sick all of a sudden, thanks to my so call best friend Paris who took me to a place that served pets. Now, I have to be sick while welcoming my little brother in with a celebration. This was a bunch of mess don't y'all think ?

A week had passed since the funeral and Andre was holding up pretty good to me. He was still hurting of course, but he was back to his old self, hiding all emotion from the world and from me. At the funeral he was stronger than ever, and I was proud of him. Hell, he was the one holding me when it was suppose to be the other way around. I hate funerals, and I only go when it's necessary.

After cleaning myself up I went on to get dressed in my outfit for today. My mom had a 6 month check up this morning and I was excited about it. We would finally be sure and find out the gender of the baby and I was ecstatic. I hoped and prayed that it was a baby boy, but if it wasn't I'd love my little sister just the same. A little diva would be nice running around the house after I've moved away. I could do a lot with a little sister.

I slipped into my burgundy maxi skirt with the white crop top I had ironed the previous night. I did my hair, make-up, and put on my shoes quickly because we'd be late if we didn't hurry. My mother was always late to almost every appointment, but this one she decided she wanted to be on time. For the third time, my dad made an excuse as to why he couldn't come to the doctor with her. My mother just brushed him off and basically said 'fuck you' in her other language. Paris would be going with us though.

My grandmother on my mom's side had come down to help with the baby shower, along with her sister Michelle and her twin daughters, Nyla and Niya came down to help along side Tasha who was giving it to my mother. We didn't have to do anything but show up to the place at the right time. Tasha handled everything, from decorations, food, entertainment, and everything else that baby showers required. I wouldn't be having one any time soon and I haven't been to any, ever in my life. There's a first for everything huh ?

After all of us was done getting dressed, we slipped into my truck and we were off towards the doctors office with enough time. I drove as my mother sat on the passenger side rubbing her stomach, and Paris was in the back seat on her phone. My mom's belly was getting bigger as the days past, but I knew it would eventually. My mom eats for at least four people alone. My little brother might come out obese by the way she eats all the damn time.

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