Chapter Fifteen | Misunderstanding

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Chapter Fifteen | Misunderstanding



School was today and it was somewhere I'd rather not be right now. I knew I had to attend if I planned on graduating this May. Prom is slowly approaching and I haven't even found a dress to wear yet. Here it is the middle of March, and I'm a very unprepared Senior. Things just have been hectic in my life lately and for all the good, brought along more bad. My life was just so complicated.

I sat quietly in my normal seat which was beside my bestfriend, Paris. We were in Ms.Parker's first period World History class. She was about to begin teaching stuff that I could live my entire life without knowing and be just as successful. Someone interupted her, you know who, walked into the class looking like a crumb. I shook my head and laid it down on the desk. I didn't even want to look at him, my plan was to avoid him at all cost for the rest of my life. It won't be that hard, we only have two and a half months left. He looked over at me and I quickly looked away. His seat was right behind mine so he came over and sat down. I wanted to move, but I decided against it.

It just happened yesterday and I told myself that I wasn't going to cry anymore. As much as I wanted to just break down right now, I wasn't going to do it. After crying my eyes out all lastnight, I said im done with it. I'm a strong girl, so I can get over this just like I did with Brandon. It had been harder because he called me like thirty times last night and sent about fifty text messages saying the same things, 'Let me explain' was the one that came the most. I didnt bother to answer any of them.

Ms.Parker began teaching some boring crap, and I just laid there not caring about anything she had to say. Paris tapped my shoulder and her eyes motioned behind me to Andre. I didn't want to look, but I turned around anyway. He had his head down on his desk as he looked like a lost puppy. I turned back around in my seat quickly and shrugged my shoulders. That had nothing to do with me, he was no longer my concern.

Class slowly but surely came to an end. Paris had left early to go to the office for something they had called her up for, so now I was stuck on my own to walk to class. As soon as the bell rang I grabbed my book and got up from my seat. I walked as fast as I could to reach the door before anyone else could do so. I knew he'd try to talk to me, and here he was calling my name.

"Liyah wait." he called after me, but that only me made walk even faster. I wasn't in the mood for talking, I just wanted to get this day over with so I can go home already! Unfortunately though, he caught up to me and grabbed my elbow to hold me in place. My emotions were stirring and I didn't want that to happen in school. I'd end up a total wreck right here in this hall, and I wasn't having that today, or any day for the matter.

I snatched my elbow away from him and turned to run straight into Trent who was blocking my way. They blocked me in on both sides, so I couldn't go anywhere. Typical boy best friends do shit like this. I wasn't even surprised as I sighed heavily.

"Move Trent." I said sternly and glared up at him. He ignored me, and shook his head in protest. I always thought Trent was cool, but he's making his way onto my bad side. I know he was helping out his friend, but at this point I didn't care about any of the bullshit anymore.

"Just give my nigga a chance to explain this shit Liyah. It's really not what you thinkin', so calm down and let my nigga tell you what really happened. Please, do it for me." he said and placed a hand over his heart. I laughed in his face, and crossed my arms across my chest. He was kidding me, right?

"Okay, well do it for your best friend Paris. She's worried about you just like everyone else, so just hear him out and then if you want to walk away, you can. His explanation is worth hearing, so just give him a chance," Trent said and with that he walked off towards his next class I'm assuming. The tardy bell rang and I just stood there, facing the opposite way of him.

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