Chapter THIRTY THREE - Coffin or Custody

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Aliyah P.O.V

"Dad ?" I called out as we walked into the house and looked around, examining the place. Everything looked the same as we left it yesterday, so I was assuming that whatever went down didn't make it to the house thank God. I sat my purse down on one of the tables and continued to look around the house while my mother trailed behind lazily.

It was Sunday, the day after my prom that went all wrong. How would you feel if the guy you're in love with's father is going to war with your father ? Exactly, it feels all fucked up inside. I hated this so called rivalry that they had now and I wanted it all to be over, I hope it was over by now and I hope that nothing bad happened while we were away. Last night we stayed at a hotel about 30 miles away until we thought it was safe to come back home.

We haven't talked to my dad since the night before. We tried calling him but he never answered his phone. I had began to get worried when we looked all over the house for him, but came up short. There was no trace that he had been there since last night and by the look on my mother's face, I could tell she was worried sick.

After looking over every room in the house once again and calling his cell and work phone about twenty times, my mother finally sat down on the couch in defeat. There was nothing else to be done but wait around for him to come home. I'm sure he'd come back home sooner or later. He's probably finishing the last of his business.

I sat beside my mother on the couch and grabbed the remote to the television that sat in front of us. I flicked it on and the volume suddenly blasted out from the speakers that surrounded the entire room. I turned the volume down a bit and actually tuned in to what was playing. It turned out to be the news and what we heard and saw on the screen was the exact answer to what we've been looking for.

'Two African American males are being held in custody on behalf of the severe shootout that took place last night on the block of 23rd avenue. A total of fifteen were left dead on the scene, four are currently in a coma, one died in the hospital, and the last two were the only ones left unharmed and were taken into custody last night around three o'clock in the morning. The two males are suspects in the shooting and were found leaving the scene. The names of the suspects and possible victims haven't been released yet. I'm Janice Jones and that's it for today's news.'

I couldn't believe all of this had happened within the past couple of hours. After hearing all of that I said a quick silent prayer for my dad because I hope he wasn't one of those people. I knew damn well that my dad was involved in the crime, but I hope he's okay. At this point I'd rather him be in jail than dead. Jail is just as bad, but there is a possibility that he can get off and at least he's still alive and well.

I looked over to my right expecting to see my mom in tears, bawling her eyes out, but instead she was rather calm. She sat with her eyes shut tightly and her hands circling her belly to keep herself calm. I knew it would be hard for her especially with her coming further along in her pregnancy. All of this stress on her was not good for neither her nor the baby, so I tried my best to help her relieve as much as possible.

"Mom, what are we going to do ?" I whispered into the silence now that I had muted the television completely. I had heard an ear full already, that was enough for one day. I didn't want to hear anymore about shooting, killing, dying, or jail. I've heard enough for a lifetime.

She sighed heavily and her eyes fluttered open to meet my worried stares. She took a few moments before actually speaking up. "Baby girl, I have no idea but first things first we need to get down to the police station to make sure it's him. Lord forbid him being in the other two situations. Secondly, we call his lawyer up there and see if he's able to be released on bond. After those two steps we'll go from there. I can't have your father going to jail on me Liyah, I'm damn half way through this pregnancy and I need him more than anything now." she said continuing to rub her stomach in a circular motion. I saw a slight smile on her face as she looked down to her belly.

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