Chapter THIRTY - Friend Zoned

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Chapter THIRTY


Andre P.O.V

I got up early this Wednesday morning and went to pick up my little brother Aaron from my old house. I had promised to come and get him so he wouldn't feel like I neglected him since I moved out without letting him know what the move was. That boy is my heart and I would never just leave him hanging like that. I'd let him move in with me if my moms would let him. I knew that would be a big ass no though. She already claim that one of her boys left her, so I know she wouldn't allow us both to up and leave.

I had picked him up and now we were at the gym lifting weights. We've been here for the past 2 hours getting it in like two grown ass men. I had to strengthen back up my left arm because everybody thought I was handicap or some. I still got a mean ass right hook so nobody better not try me. I haven't worn that cast since that gave it to me. I'm a big boy, I don't need that shit to help me heal. God got me with or without that thing. He's the reason I'm here today.

I continued to do the twenty push ups that I set for myself. My arm was burning like hell and I was shaking, but I kept going until I eventually collapsed onto the mat at number thirteen. My arm had went limp, and that's when I knew I had done one too many. I pushed myself too hard sometimes and that only made it worst on me in the long run.

"Dang, you so weak Dre," Aaron laughed from beside me. He was doing push ups like it wasn't shit over there. He thought this was funny, he was lucky I didn't get up to go beat his ass. I can't lie he was killing me, but that was only because one of my shoulders fucked up.

"Fuc- shut up." I said cutting myself off. That was something I would say to Trent, not my little brother. I was a whole 8 years older than him. I cursed around him all the time, but I didn't curse at him directly. I don't know why, I just didn't do it. Sometimes it slipped, but never intentionally.

"Yeah whatever, I'm hungry." he said as he got up from the floor. I held my arm out and he helped me up. Little nigga was strong too. He was already tall as hell, just a little shorter than me at the young age of 10. By the time this little nigga get 20 he gone be a Shaq looking muthafucka. He was built too for a 10 year old. Most would think at 10 you don't know shit, but he was smart and mature for his age. The nigga acted at least 30.

"You got some money ?" I asked grabbing my shirt from the bench an slipping it over my head. He did the same and I paid the few dollar fee for the both of us and we left out of the gym. My arm was still burning, but I shrugged it off. It would stop eventually, if not I'd go let ma hook me up with some meds. She damn near got her own drug store at the crib.

"Nah, you got me big bro." he smirked and got into the passenger seat of my Camaro. Yes, my baby was fixed and back in action. This car is my baby for-real, she been down with the kid since day 1. Don't be surprised if we pull up on you.

"Whatever nigga, where you want to go?" I asked pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road. He chose to go to McDonald's so that's where I went. I turned up my radio and 'Ghetto' by August Alsina blared through my speakers. I was tempted to turn it, but I stopped myself from doing so. I didn't really care for this nigga for the simple fact that Liyah loved his ass, but the song was straight so I left it.

After making it through all this damn traffic we finally got to the place. Within a couple minutes we had gotten there, ordered, and now we were sitting down grubbing on this fast food. I was wondering what was the sense in eating fast food right after leaving the gym, but fuck it. I was hungry so I didn't complain.

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