Chapter Twenty | Disobedient Love

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Chapter Twenty | Disobedient Love



"Melody Sanchez," the short nurse called after looking up from the clipboard in her hands as she stood at the desk. My mother and I got up from our seats in the waiting area and began to follow her to the back where all of the rooms were located at.

Today was Saturday, my mother's first doctors appointment of her pregnancy. Yes, she did tell my dad the other night at dinner once I had gotten home and it went well. He took it way better than we thought he would, but unfortunately he couldn't make it to this appointment with us today. He was handling business, as he usually said.

Someone supposedly broke into one of his trap houses and killed one of his workers there. His office was trashed, his televisions were shot up, but surprisingly all of the money and product wasn't touched. It was crazy, but it made me sick to even talking about this. To kill people for a living, sell drugs, and all of that illegal stuff for money wasn't worth it in my eyes. I really don't want that in a guy. My dad does it, but thank God I have a semi-good guy like Andre whom I'm in love with. I'm glad he doesn't do those types of things.

The female nurse took us inside of a private room and we took a seat in the chairs that were aligned on the side of the wall. I settled into my chair as I looked around at the little room that was painting in blush pink and baby blue. It was pretty in here, it had a slight comfortable feeling to it.

"The doctor will be in with you shortly." she said with a slight smile on her face and then she left the room, while closing the door back behind her. We were not I private and that's when I decided to check on my mom and see how she was feeling.

I looked over towards my mother to see a rather scared expression etched on her face. "Mom, are you nervous?" I asked as I finished taking in the contents of the beautiful room. There were a couple of chairs, a desk with a computer, a huge television screen that hung on the wall, and a bed with a scanner thing that hung over it, which I guessed was the sonogram thingy. It looked scary.

"el infierno sí (hell yes)" she replied nodding her head quickly as she rubbed her hand around her belly. This would be her second real child, and here she was acting like it's her first. I guess after almost 18 years you forgot mostly everything about what it felt like to be pregnant.

"Todo irá bien, No tenga miedo.Voy a tomar tu mano (It'll be okay , don't be scared, I'll hold your hand.)" I laughed as I grabbed a hold on her right hand. She smiled brightly as she squeezed gently on mine. I didn't mind, I loved my mom to death and I'd be here for her since my dad couldn't play his role.

"I love you baby girl." she said planting a small kiss onto my forehead. I pulled away and frowned at her like she was crazy. I was too grown to be getting kissed on by my momma, she tripping.

"I love you too sexy, even though you're getting thick, well thicker." I laughed and she lightly pushed at my shoulder and rolled her eyes. I shook my head as soon as the door flew open and the doctor walked inside of the spacious room. It was a woman and she looked so familiar. When she turned around and spoke up, I knew exactly who she was.

"Hello there, you are --" she stopped mid-sentence when I looked up at her. I was very surprised to see Mrs. Holmes standing in front of us with a white coat on and glasses, with a clipboard in hand. She sat it down on the desk and pulled me up from my chair and into a bear hug. I smiled sheepishly as I hugged my mother in law.

"Hello sweetheart, how are you?" she said and released me from her grasp. I was still kind of surprised to see her here. I had no clue that she was a doctor here, let alone she was my mother's doctor. Small world huh, well small city rather?

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