Chapter THIRTY NINE - We Made It

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Aliyah P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face and a slight pain in between my legs. After 4 rounds of sex, I was sure to be walking with a limp today. I kind of think that was his intentions to do this to me. Now I have to cross the stage walking like the night before. Hopefully some of the pain will have gone away by the time 5 o'clock comes.

I looked up at him sleeping peacefully next to me. He looked so good as his bare chest rose and fell in a rapid motion. I kissed his chin that had a little hair protruding from it. I found it kind of sexy honestly, the hair made him look, well like the bad boy type. That just turned me on. I traced the lines of his chest until I came all the way down to his boxers, but he caught my hand before I could move any further. I thought he was asleep, but he wasn't.

"Don't start nothing you know you can't finish." he mumbled and I grinned because he was right. After last night I couldn't take much more. I slipped from under his arm and got up to put on a fresh pair of underwear and a new bra. We both showered last night before we fell asleep, but we just went to bed naked. My undergarments were fire red, one of my favorite colors as well as Andre's.

I stood in front of the floor length mirror and just looked at myself. I didn't really look that much bigger, but I knew I was. I touched my belly and just rubbed it in a circular motion. Before I knew it Andre was out of the bed and standing directly behind me. He kissed my neck and rested his chin on my shoulder. I smiled when I saw him looked down at my stomach through the mirror. I'm glad that he's happy about this baby just as much as me. I've seen those shows where the father walks out, and I'm glad Andre isn't one of those.

"I cant believe I'm pregnant," I said as I continued to rub my stomach and look up at him.

"Me neither." he mumbled and kissed my neck again. He placed his huge hands on top of mine and guided my hands around my stomach like I had been doing.

"I'm only 17 Andre." I said like he didn't already know that. I don't know what made me say it, but I did. It really didn't matter about my age, but... I don't know. It just came to mind and I said it.

"Ok, and? Them hoes on the shows 16, so whats your point ?" he asked as he continuously rubbed my bare stomach. His arms being around me made me feel some type of way right now when I should be focusing on the conversation at hand.

"Nothing, I'm just saying this changed alot for us, for our future. I mean I'm happy about having a baby and I don't regret it or anything, but its just so soon in life for all of this." I sighed and closed my eyes. He released my stomach and turned me around to face him quickly.

He tugged on my arm until he was sitting down on the bed. He pulled me onto his lap where I was now facing him. His hands clamped onto my butt before he began talking again. I simply rolled my eyes and brushed off the perverted gesture that I'd grown use to.

"I know babe, but we'll get through this together. My mom, your mom, Paris, and even Trent. We'll have a lot of help with the baby. I can provide for us and all that good shit, so that's not even the issue." he said and I scrunched up my face. TWO things were wrong with what he just said.

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