Chapter 1: Not The Only One

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John had found out about her while on the net one lazy Tuesday afternoon, while looking for a case. Sherlock was shooting the walls again, and the noise was driving him insane. No, no cases yet, not even close, or anything that might have interested the detective even the slightest. Another bullet was lodged in the wall, and John sighed. For fun, and to get his mind off of the awful racket, he decided to look up 'Consulting Detective' into the search bar. About 20 results came up.

The Science Of Deduction - Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock and Blogger Partner Do It Again!

Lizbeth Constance, Best Consulting Detective?

John's eyes widened at the last result. He clicked on it, and scanned through the article.

Sherlock Holmes from Britain was thought to be the only consulting detective. But as luck turns out, there's two! The second is a young woman by the name of Lizbeth Constance from America, who had heard of the name that so accurately described her own job definition. She started her career at the age of 16, when her brother - Daniel - Was murdered. She used her incredible skills of observation and deduction to not only catch the killer, but chase him down herself! She later moved to London. She is obviously as good, if not even better than Sherlock Holmes himself. Time will tell how this does progress.

"Sherlock!" John shouted.
He finally put the pistol down. "Yes, John?"
"There's another one of you. From the States. Another Consulting Detective."
"Hmm." He gave a small wave of interest, "What's his name?"
"Her," John corrected, "Her name's Lizbeth."
Sherlock walked over to where John sat with his laptop. He scrolled down, showing her picture. Black hair that went down to her waist. Large grey eyes. Big smile. Minimal makeup. Hair covering her right eye.
Mid 20's. Smart. Kind. Single. Suffered from depression. Some self-harm. Lives alone with no pets. Gets bored easily.
The thoughts came to Sherlock's mind instantly.
John clicked on a video of her being interviewed by a news woman in America.
"It's kinda weird being the one of the only two in your profession." Her voice, despite being muffled, was sweet. Like caramel and candy floss and sugar all mixed into one. A Midwestern American accent was slowly beginning to have notes of a British accent. "I'm pretty good at what I do. Like... Like you, cameraman!" She pointed to the person holding the camera. "You were an only child. You have two dogs, and one child for yourself. No wife."
The camera nodded as if agreeing. She smiled a little wider.
"And what do you think of Sherlock Holmes?" The reporter asked, pushing the microphone towards Lizbeth again.
"I believe that he's a brilliant man, and I would love to meet him one day."
The video ended with a few words from the reporter, and an automated voice droning, "If you would like to meet Lizbeth, please email her using her blog, which also has her phone number."
John looked up her name.

Lizbeth Constance - Wikipedia

Deduction and Other Such Things - Hi, I'm Lizbeth, and welcome to my...

Should Sherlock and Lizbeth Meet - Tumblr

SherBeth Shippers Unite! - Tumblr

John took a breath, and clicked on her blog.

Hey, guys!!!!
So this is that Sherlock fanfic I've been talking about. Yes, same OC. Different backstory, job, etc.. Anyway, this one will have twenty something chapters. I'll be adding the description and cover for this Fic after I post this chapter. So, yeah. I really, really hope you liked the first chapter of Partners in Crime!!! Feel free to comment!!! :)

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