Chapter 13: New

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"Don't you worry your pretty little mind. People throw rocks at things that shine."
Beth spent time at 221B for fun. She was always there.
So John dragged Sherlock to her flat one boring Tuesday morning, after finding out that she had to take a cab across London nearly every day to get to them, and it was getting pricey.
The moment they showed up, she ushered them in, with her hair in a messy bun, and still wearing a loose t-shirt and shorts that she had most certainly slept in.
It was a small, cozy little flat. Third floor, above some little sandwich shop. Plain wall paper, a few pieces of furniture. And like 221B, completely full of experiments. John almost screamed at one point when he happened upon a little glass jar filled to the brim with ears.
"I hope you don't mind the mess." She said gingerly, with an apologetic smile.
"No," Sherlock sat down on her small sofa, "It's quite alright. Cleaner than mine."
John almost spit out the tea that Beth had served them. Sherlock had given an actual compliment.
Beth giggled, "Thank you."
She sat down next to Sherlock, drinking long gulps of what looked like hot chocolate. The windows to the tiny flat were open, and catching a breeze. It was going to rain today. Anyone could have deduced that.
She was of average beauty. Nothing exceptional besides the streak in her hair. Yet her personality was so much more. Rather shy... Yet a bit cocky when it needed to be. All smiles and laughs, even though it was obvious that she had been bullied and lost almost everything at such a young age. She wasn't perfect. But then again, who was? Even now, with messy hair and wrinkled clothes, she looked perfect.
Sherlock realized he was staring the moment John noticed. The detective attempted to cover it up, yet John was already smiling at him.
Sherlock received a text a few moments later.

You okay? -JW.

Sherlock didn't even bother to reply. Instead, watching as Beth took out her hair tie, and let her hair fall to her hips, being caught by another breeze through the window.
Beth's grey eyes lit up, her smile radiating throughout the room and the high-functioning sociopath almost gasped as he felt a sort of pang if something inside him. Something warm and fuzzy and... Wonderfully painful.
John and Sherlock got back to their flat at around 6 PM. It was just barely starting to get dark outside, and the noises of the street were dying down ever so slightly as the door shut and the two men walked up the stairs. Mrs. Hudson was nowhere in sight. Oh well, she was most likely out with a few friends. Nothing unusual there.
Sherlock went to his violin, playing the softest notes possible. John sat down in his usual seat.
It was quiet for about ten minutes.
"Why?" John suddenly broke the quiet.
Sherlock stopped playing for about two seconds, "Hmm?"
"Why were you staring, Sherlock?"
The notes got a little louder.
"I wasn't staring."
"Yes," John smirked, "You were. Now, tell me why, please?"
"Because," Sherlock played louder, faster, "She is an interesting woman. I have the right to stare."
"Interesting?" John scoffed, "You were flushed."
"It was warm." Sherlock retorted.
"It was freezing."
The notes weren't so soft now. It was now the level of noise in which it usually was. A little more than usual, actually. "John, I-"
"Sherlock, just bloody tell me. I won't laugh. Promise."
The violin was placed in its case, and the detective turned towards his flat mate.
"I don't know, John! I don't bloody know!" He seethed.
John was briefly taken aback. "Sherlock, just calm down. Tell me. When you're near her, what do you feel?"
His fists clenched, "John, I know that my pulse elevated. I know my breathing got quicker. I know my pupils dilated. I just.... I just don't know how I feel."
John smiled, "Feels good, doesn't it?"
"... Yes..." He admitted, fists relaxing, eyes squeezing shut.
"But bad at the same time?"
The sociopath didn't even bother to reply, opting to defeatedly drop onto the couch.
"Sherlock," John watched as the detective curled in on himself, "Describe her eyes."
"They're burning me."
"And how are they burning you?"
"They're so bright."
"Her smile?"
Another sigh, "John-"
"Tell me. Please." John just wanted him to admit it.
"It's painful to look at."
"Good painful or bad painful?"
"Now," the doctor instructed, knowing he was getting close to the answer, "Tell me about her laugh."
No reply.
"John.... Please stop."
"Think of her, and tell me what you feel. Just this last question. I promise."
Sherlock nodded.
He thought of Beth. Her smile that could light up a room. Broken eyes that could rival the sun. A laugh that was like one of those actors on television. Her modest voice that he could have heard over a thousand others. Her simple clothes that suited her so sodding perfectly. Messy hair that seemed to shine when the sun hit it just right. He thought of her. Just her.
He had his answer. Part of him wanted to tamper it down to where it would never be thought of again. Shove it into the deepest part of his mind palace where he never went. To never speak or think of it ever again for as long as he freaking lived.
The other part of him wanted, no, needed to scream it to the world. To tell it to John, and to Beth, and to everyone that bloody mattered because he needed to say it. To yell it. To scream it until he couldn't take it anymore and John would put a gag in his mouth to make him shut up for one minute. God, it just felt so very good and so very painful at the same time. The feelings were getting so overwhelming.
He was a man who never felt anything. And now, for this moment he felt everything.
Because he, William Sherlock Scott Holmes, loved Lizbeth Joy Constance.
And nothing would make him think otherwise.
"I.... I think I love her, John."

I know, long chapter. Totally OOC! But I tried. And look, feelings! Angst! Some SherBeth! Or would it be LizLock? Both sound kinda horrible... Oh well!!!! It's really late and the air conditioner is making everything really cold and I'm really hyper so that's why I typed so much.
Did you like the new writing style?
I apologize for the craziness of this chapter. It's crap, I know. Really, totally OOC. I tried.
Love you guys!!!
See you next chapter (less than ten chapters left I think!"
- TheWeepingAngelOfCas xxx

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