Chapter 7

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I woke up to the feeling of light shaking to my shoulder, I groaned a little before opening my eyes. My eyes widened in shock when I realised that I wasn't in my room at Jack's house.

"Ally, so sorry to wake you but the boys have to be at an interview and photo shoot within the next hour. James asked if you wanted to come?" Gina asked, had I really fallen asleep at someones house who I met a few weeks ago?

Nice one Ally.

"Its fine, no I think I will go home. I have outstayed my welcome as it is I don't want to be staying in the way. Is Luke really going?" I asked

"Yeah Luke is going he just going to fake being okay. I know it sounds bad but this photo shoot and interview cant be rescheduled and I have asked the boys and we all  want you to come. Emily has offered to borrow you some clean clothes" Gina said while standing up

"Are you sure? Thank you so much Gina, you don't realise how much this means to me"

"Come on, go get dressed. Its fine Ally" she said before walking out the room and Emily walking in with a mass of clothing.


We were all ready to head of to this interview, I had texted Jack and he seemed okay with it, maybe he had finally realised I don't need to be looked after all the time? Luke was looking okay, still looked a little pale. We haven't spoken at all which I thought was kind of weird but who knows, he might not want to talk to a fucked up girl. Emily and Jai were a little distant this morning but I don't think it was a big deal, they were still talking but not touching or kissing like they were last night. Eleanor and Daniel were still stuck to the hip, where ever Daniel went Eleanor would follow and visa versa. I think they are so cute together, I can see how much Daniel makes Eleanor happy and how Eleanor makes Daniel happy.

"Come on people, we have 10 minutes to get to the studio" Jacob shouted

Everyone got in the car and Jacob drove out the driveway into the streets of L.A. I was squashed between Jai and James, with Emily sat on Jai's lap and James sat on my right. Gina was going to meet us all there with Ronnie. Jacob had the radio on and Ariana Grande came on

"Please turn this off" Jai shouted

"Whats the matter?" I asked

"Just leave it okay?" he said agitated

I looked at Emily and she just smiled at me so I just shook it off and started to play with the hem of the dress Emily gave me. James just sat and stared out the window, Luke had his headphones obviously not wanting to talk to anyone. Daniel and Eleanor were falling asleep on each other in the back of the car

We got to the studio and everyone climbed out. Luke needing the extra help, then we all walked inside the building. James seemed very quiet. So I decided to go talk to him

"Hey James, you okay? You seem a little off this morning" I said while looking at him

"Yeah fine, just tired that's all. You feel asleep on me after we started talking and me looking at your cuts and I'm still trying to process everything you told me" he said while walking down a purple corridor

"I am so sorry James, you should have woken me and I would have gone home. I'm sorry" I said while looking at the black carpet under my feet

"Ally don't be silly, I couldn't have woken you, I would feel bad for doing that" he said while walking through a big glass door, where there was so many cameras, computers and people rushing about to get to there destination and people frantically running wild making sure everything was perfect for the interview and photo shoot the boys were having, I still wasn't convinced James was okay but I just had to take his word for it


The boys had finished there interview, after answering many questions sent in by fans and just questions in general and they were now posing for the camera. Many different poses, cheeky grins and the odd shirtless picture which I couldn't help but look at the 5 extremely hot boys stood in front of me. I giggled a little when James posed and winked at me. I looked over at Gina who was just laughing at the boys, she must be so proud of them boys, moving away from home to do better things for there fans. Gina was so proud of her boys achieving what they had, even though she wouldn't admit it she missed them loads and I could sense this. Emily was just eyeing up Jai all the time and as did Eleanor but Daniel didn't realise so he just acted like a complete dipstick.

"That's it for today lads, we will have to finish sometime again as I can see Luke is getting uncomfortable" Tom the photographer called. All the boys just nodded while Luke just sat there. I felt bad for him having to fake being happy for his fans but I suppose he had to get along with it all. I looked over at Gina who was sorting out another date for the boys to finish their photo shoot.

"Whats this photo shoot for James?" I asked while he walked off set

"We are just getting different ideas for a possible calendar" he said

"Oh yeah, sounds fun" I said before James walked off.

5 hours later----------

Everyone was now back at the house, I was sat by the pool when my phone started ringing, I looked at the caller ID and it was Jack. Shit I forgot to tell him I was okay

"Allison, where the fuck are you? I have been so worried about you" he shouted down the phone

"I'm sorry Jack I lost track of time. I'm still at James' house just relaxing round with everyone. No need to shout at me Jack" I said back

"Yeah well Ally, I'm the one that I supposed to be looking after you. But I guess as long as you happy and safe I don't mind. I'm off out again tonight so when you come home don't bother waiting up for me"

"Right, yeah whatever" I said before hanging up.. He made such a big deal out of nothing.

"Who was that?" I looked round to see Jai standing there with Emily

"Jack. He made such a big deal out of nothing, he does my head in sometimes but I guess he is just looking after me for what Ive been through this past year and a half" I said while looking over the view of L.A

"I get you, what you doing tonight?" he asked

"Going home, I can't stay here longer than I already have. I feel bad for making James sleep on the sofa because I feel asleep. So I think its best if I go home" I sighed

"No you are staying again, we are getting the shisha out tonight and before you ask its not really harmful to you. James didn't mind giving you his bed, I spoke to him after he put you in it" he said

"Well I haven't got much else to do, so thank you but would you be able to take me home so I can have a shower, get some clothes and stuff?" I asked

"Sure we will get Jacob to run you home and stuff in about half an hour" he said, I said than you and he walked away with Emily.

Was I really starting to make friends?  

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