Chapter 9

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Its been a week since the last get together and a week since I last saw the boys. After Daniel bought alcohol out things didn't turn out how we expected them to. Daniel thought it would be a good idea to play truth or dare, some dares were okay some were a little brutal. Jai had to give Daniel a lap dance, Emily wasn't that impressed but Eleanor just went with it anyway.  Beau had to kiss me which was a little awkward but we both knew it didn't mean anything then James had to kiss Luke for at least 10 seconds before any of them could pull away. Then Gina came home and dared us all to jump in to the cold pool and obviously with alcohol in our systems we didn't oblige to. 

The reason why I hadn't seen the boys in a week was because when we jumped in I forgot about my legs and arms. I pulled my cardigan and tights off completely forgetting about them, I jumped in then when I had to come out I came face to face with a big problem. I would have to get out of the pool and everyone would see. Only Gina and James knew about my legs. Anyway I had no choice but to get out the pool and risk everyone seeing. I got out and stood next to James trying to hide but it didn't work all I heard was

"Ally, your legs and arms" it was Luke. I stood there not knowing what to do.

"I know" I said

"Why?" Asked Jai

"I don't want to talk about it, will someone please take me home" I asked

Jacob then took me home, I walked straight upstairs and cried.......

Anyway today I was going to meet Emily and Eleanor is Starbucks just to have a catch up on things. I kept in contact with the girls because I needed someone to talk to every now and then. I couldn't talk to Jack because he was hardly ever here anymore and half my problems were quite girly and that's just embarrassing. 

I walked to the bathroom and did my usual shower routine....wash hair, wash body, get out, wash face, dry myself then get dressed. After finishing in the shower, I ran downstairs and started making myself  a fruit salad seen as that was the only thing that never actually manage to escape my mouth once I had finished it, anyway when I was half way through making it Jack walked in

"Hey Jack" I shouted from the kitchen

"Ally? I thought you were going outtoday?" I said while walking into the kitchen

"Yeah I am, in about- shit I need to get going. See you later?" I said while frantically running round to find everything I needed

"Yeah about that, I am having a few friends over tonight, so I don't know weather you would want to stay here or go somewhere else?" he said while picking at my fruit

"I will text you later, see you later. If I don't come home, please do not go into my room" I said

"Promise I wont"

"I mean it Jack, if I find anything out of place I will kill you" I shouted before running out the door.

I walked into Starbucks with the strong smell of coffee filling my nose, I looked round to see Emily and Eleanor sat in the corner. I bought a bottle of water because that's all I could really drink, you might be thinking. Yeah but Ally you had alcohol with the boys, yeah that DEFNIATELY did not agree with me. 

"Hey girls" I said while walking over to them

"Hey Ally, so good to see you" Emily said while standing up to give me a hug

"Good to see you to" I said while placing myself next to Eleanor "How are the boys?" I asked

"Yeah they are good, do you want to come back with us after to see them?" Eleanor asked

"Eh I don't think that's a good idea" I said while playing with my cardigan sleeve

"Oh come on, we all miss you. Especially James" said Emily with a wink, I just rolled my eyes and opened my water 


After talking to the girls for about 3 hours about anything and everything we decided to go back to the boys house, I was a little sceptical at first but the girls somehow managed to change my mind, so I went.

We walked down the driveway and through the big brown door. Eleanor ran straight to Daniel, while Emily stayed with me. We walked through the house to find the boys doing a video, Eleanor had already interrupted once, so we just stayed behind Ronnie who was filming. From what I could see they were doing the 'Ice bath challenge'. Daniel was wearing just his boxers, so Eleanor was happy watching him run around. I looked over to Emily who was just couldn't keep her eyes of Jai, even if she tried. James was the only one wearing  a t-shirt, I don't understand why though, he a great body. After finishing with the video, which ended up with Luke winning. Beau started retching which wasn't the nicest of things to experience at all. I just awkwardly stood there not knowing what to do, was I to talk to someone? Let the boys warm up? I don't know. 

The boys were now showered, warm and eating which made them ALL very happy which was cute. 

"Ally? Can I talk to you a minute?" asked Gina

"Eh yeah sure" I then followed Gina to the front of the house

"Ally I just wanted to say how much me and the boys have been worrying about you. After you left, Daniel felt so bad for bringing the alcohol out in the first place as he knew it wouldn't end well anyway, but he felt worse for you jumping in the pool. Ally can I ask why?" she said while we sat on the wall

"Gina I was fine, just a little mad at myself for forgetting, I guess you should know, you and James are the only ones that know so far and I want to keep it that way for as long as possible" Gina just nodded

I told Gina everything, the same things I told James. But sitting with Gina made me realise how much I missed having my mum by my side but if she wanted to come back into my life she would have to work hard for it. Making me heal by myself, while she carried on her life as normal. She has most probably forgotten about me. My little sister Maddie was starting high school in a mere few weeks which was kinda scary and she most probably wouldn't recognise me with everything that has happened. 

"Ally I am so sorry, you have all of us now. You don't have to go and be with Jack all the time, you can come here when you want, you are always welcome here. Emily and Eleanor love you being here because they have someone else to talk to and not just each other. I have to say James worried the most, he said he should have come to see you earlier but I think he just wanted you to have some time alone" 

Damn why was this woman so nice with everyone and everything? 


We were all now sat in the kitchen except for Daniel and Eleanor who went for a walk down to the beach, cute. Emily was sat on the island in the middle of the kitchen with Jai standing infront of her. Again this made me realise how unloved I have been feeling over the past months. I haven't had a boyfriend since I can remember. I did have one who thought it would be a good idea to try and run away with me but then I got told he was a complete psycho so I had to end it with before anything happened to me. 

"Earth to Ally?" James

said while clicking his fingers in front of my face making me jump a little

"Hello" I said snapping out of my trance

"We are going out for a meal with everyone when Daniel comes back and we were wondering if you wanted to come with?" Jai asked

"Yeah sure why not?" I said while looking at James who had the biggest grin on his face

"Yay" they all shouted in unison. 

Hopefully this will end better than last 

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