Chapter 20

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James and I walked home hand in hand, and I can say that it felt good to finally have someone who cares for me. Silence washed over us both, but it was a comfortable silence. Nothing could ruin this for us both, because we are both now happy. I understand that its only the start of the relationship but i can already tell that it is going to work better than my past relationships. From abusive to over obsessive ex's who wouldn't let me out the house.


"Do you realise how stupid you made me look tonight? You do realise i will get the piss taken out of me for this?" Tom (my ex) shouted

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" I shouted back

"But you did it anyway, decided to show me up in front of everyone" he yelled while connecting his palm with my cheek, making me stumble over.

"Get a-away from m-me" you whispered

"Ally I-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was angry" he said.

"No that's it now Tom, we are over" I said while steadily standing and walking out

End of flashback.

I cringed at that thought that I had pretty regularly. It would just pop into my head and I would have to stop whatever I was doing because it hurt to think that I always ended up with the psycho boyfriends. I was 15 when that happened, he was my last boyfriend before everything happened, I never trusted anyone after that. It pained me to know that women go through abusive relationships but still stays with the abuser because they are to scared to leave but I had courage back then, but James is different I can see that. He wouldn't hurt a fly.

"You okay Ally, about all this?" James asked

"Yeah fine, why do you ask?"

"Just you went quiet and I thought something was wrong?"

"No I'm alright, just had a flashback but don't worry I'm fine"

"Okay, well were are back now. Do you want to tell everyone about us or leave it for a bit?"

"Can we leave it for a bit? Only if thats okay?"

"Yes its fine with me" He said as we walked back into the house. I walked upstairs to find Jai and Emily asleep in Jai's bed, Eleanor and Daniel in his room on the floor doing god knows what. I walked into James' room to find my comfortable clothes to put on, then went into the bathroom to remove all my make up.

"Hey Al, how did tonight go?" Beau asked while poking my sides

"Hey Beau, went really well thank you. Been a great night"

"Good, anything interesting happen?" He smiled

"Eh sort of, but not verifying anything as of yet" I giggled

"Aw okay, but glad you had a good night missy. You know we are all here for you"

"Thanks Beau, means a lot" I said while leaning in for a hug.
Beau just smiled at me before getting off the bed and leaving me alone with my thoughts once again. I sat on the bed and thought about tonights happenings, nothing like that ever happens to me but I'm not complaining about having a better life. I was broken from my thoughts when James walked in. He smiled at me before sitting next to me and placing his arm around my waist and placing a gentle kiss to my temple, he opened his hand for me to place mine in his. I started to play with his fingers, and sighed in content. Just as I was about to speak to James his phone started ringing, so he walked back out again.

10 minutes later Luke walked in,

"Hey Luke, everything okay?" I questioned

"Yeah everything is fine, James is just on the phone to his music manager, so he shouldn't be long"

"Thank you for letting me know, anyway... how is that stomach of yours now?"

"Its okay, hurts a bit. Got a massive scar now though. But hey I can call it a battle scar, I know its nothing like yours though"

"I have plenty of battle scars, but yours is different. You got your tummy punctured for gods sake, that could have killed you"

"Yes i know that, but I was only in there for what? A week, you spent the last few years of your life in and out that place. But if what happended to me didn't happen, we would have never met such a strong, beautiful woman like you" he said, which made me blush a lot, because I'm not used to being complimented by people, and I struggle to take it. I always think they are lying to keep me happy.

James' POV

I had just gotten off the phone with our manager, and he wants me to travel to Las Vegas to create another MegaMix for tour, which starts in 2 months. He wants me to go there by myself, so I have no distractions, so i will be able to get it done in time for tour. I obviously said yes but it just means that I have to leave Ally already, I don't want to but its something that has to be done, otherwise we have nothing to open the show with. I sat in the kitchen and thought about what was going to happen.. I would leave in a week, stay in Las Vegas for a month, put together a MegaMix, come back from being away, stay in L.A for another month before having to jet off around the world. While having to leave Ally here, I know she won't be alone but she won't have me or any of the boys if she needs us.

I stood up and decided to go and break the news to my new girlfriend who was sat on my bed, I walked up the stairs to hear her talking to someone, but as i edged closer I figured it was Luke. I stood at the top of the stairs and listened to their conversation, I know its wrong but I just wanted to hear what was being said

"He is such a nice guy Luke, he deserves much better than me. I'm a mess, with no future. I could literally move back to England and nobody would care" she rambled. How could she think that? After everything I told her, she was perfect for me.

"How do you know you have no future? And I'm pretty sure, all us boys would miss you like hell if you left us all here. I mean, I've never seen James so happy about anyone, like ever"

"I have no qualifications to apply for a job. I fucked all my exams up, didn't sit any of them. The only thing I actually passed was a Food Tech course and that was baking and lets be honest, there is nowhere round here that does quality baking. Not being mean" she said  half-heartidly

"We will figure something out I'm sure Ally. We will find something for you to do, and even if it comes to it, we will find somewhere for you to maybe do exams to ensure a brighter future for you?" Luke asked and fuck he was always so right with what he said.

"Yeah, I'm sure we will. Thanks Luke" She sighed. I walked in after that and smiled at them both before pulling my shirt off and throwing it in some direction in the room. Luke hugged Ally then walked away. Ally placed her head in her hands and sighed heavily and I heard her whisper "I'm such a fuck up" I just stared at her, before she got up and lay on the floor, something she does when she's upset over something.

I walked over to her and lay with her, she shuffled a bit so her head was placed on my bear chest and she also placed her hand on my tummy and started making shapes with the tip of her finger, which make me giggle because I am ticklish. I took this as an oppurtunity to tell her what was happening over the coming weeks.

"I've been asked to go to Las Vegas, for a month. Alone. To do a MegaMix for tour" I whispered, she stopped trailing her fingers and lifted her head of me and looked at me

"Oh... when do you go?" she asked

"I should be leaving at the end of the week" I said

"Okay" she said simply before placing her head on my chest again. After five minutes of slience, I could feel tears rolling down my side and muffled sobs coming from Ally.

This is why I don't want to leave her. She's to fragile and sensitive. But this has to be done and I can't pull out.


FINALLY, I AM SO SORRY. I have no excuse, but I'm sorry.

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I love you all x

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