Chapter 11

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James' POV

After watching Ally and seeing her reaction about things, I realised how lucky I am to have so many people who care and support me. From family to friends and to the fans. None of us lads would be in the place we are now without the constant support from our fans. Even though we have so much drama going on in our fandom, our fans always stay together and find a way for the drama to calm down. All the conspiracies that go around on twitter our fans always find out the truth in the end, and that's something I love we don't have to worry about the fandom falling apart over something so small because we are like one big family when it comes to things, we help people through tough times and our fans make friends through us.

After Ally threw her blades I pulled her in for a much needed hug, I kissed the top of her head and I heard her sob silently

"Hey, hey what are these tears for?" I asked while turning her around and wiping away her falling tears

"I don't know, just thank you James. I haven't even known you long and I feel as if trust you with everything already. Before you turned up I don't think I would have been here for much longer but because you boys have already helped me so much I want to start my life again with the people who I know I will be happy with and people who I can trust" Ally said

"Ally you are welcome, us boys will be by your side for as long as you need. We wont be giving up on you at all, and that is a promise I plan to keep for a long time"

"Promise is a big word James but I will take you word for it. Thank you so much" she said while wrapping her arms round my waist. All I could think was how right this felt, how I have never felt this before.

Ally's POV

Did I really start crying in front of James? I expected him to sigh and leave me but he hugged me tighter telling me things are going to get better and how all the boys are going to be here for me instead of leaving like every other fucker in my life did. He wiped my tears away and I looked at him in the eyes, I smiled weakly at him before we were interrupted by Jacob

"Come on gu- oh I'm sorry, uh I'll leave you" he said while walking back to the car. I laughed a little before pulling out of James' grasp

"Right we better get going before everyone starts to worry about us" I said, but as soon as I was out of James' grip I instantly felt cold

Come on Ally, you are by the sea at 8 o'clock at night, course its going to be cold. I shook the thoughts away before James walked next to me and smiled at me before running ahead of me and into the car.

"Come on Ally, I'm freezing my balls off here" James shouted

"I'm coming, just hold on" I said while slowing my pace and smirking at him

"Please Ally" he whimpered

"Fine" I picked up my pace and walked to the car


We got back home and everyone was outside. Jacob ran and sat on Daniel, pushing Eleanor out of the way and shouting

"Back off he's mine" he said jokingly

"Oh okay then Jacob I believe you" she said while pushing Jacob back off and then sitting back on Daniels knee.

I sat next to Luke with James trailing behind. I looked at Jai and mouthed thank you so much he just gave me a cheeky smile and then looked back at Emily who looked a bit confused but Jai just gave her a look to say I will tell you later and she just nodded in agreement.

"Where have you three been?" Daniel asked

"Jacob took me back to mine so I could pick something up and then we went to the sea front for a bit so I could clear my head a little" I said, I knew Daniel wouldn't catch on that I wasn't telling the complete truth.

"Oh right okay" then he went back to doing whatever he was doing before.

"Wheres Beau?" James asked

"He is helping mum pack a few bits away because she is leaving in about- shit she leaves in about 15 minutes" Jai said while looking at his phone.

We all looked at each other before actually getting up to help round with things.

I looked round the house to see of I could help in any sort of way, I looked every where until I came across Beaus room. He was blankly looking out of the window. I saw him raise his hand to his face before wiping it across his face, I heard him sniffle a little before walking to his room

"Hey Beau, are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah fine thanks Ally" he said trying to sound strong

"No your not Beau, I can tell" I said while sitting on the end of the bed

"Honestly, no I'm not Ally. But I don't want to bore you with my problems when you have enough to deal with already"

"Beau just tell me, I want to help you like you have helped me" I said while sitting next to him

"Its just I don't get to see my mum as often as I would like you know? I miss her so much its unbelievable. She's always on the other side of the world to me when I need her, I know i should be grateful for her being around because their are people without parents. But its just hard, she raised us boys alone and we have gone and left her alone, I know she has our grandparents but she doesn't see them every single day, I just get frustrated with myself, knowing she is alone and us boys are out here having the time of our lives" he said with the last part Beau being in tears

"Beau, I know its hard but your mum is so proud of you. If she wasn't proud of you she wouldn't have sent you out here, she loves each of you boys for different things but you- her sons have to be the best thing that happened to her. I know its hard for her not seeing you everyday but she just wants you to have the best life you can have and take the opportunity's that you have been given. Beau she is never going to stop loving you for not being there all the time, if anything she will love you more for being such great people and always appreciative for the things you have been given, you never take anything for granted, she loves all your fans which is a bonus" i said while placing my hand at the bottom of his back

"Thank you so much Ally, this has been on my chest for a few days and its nice to get it off my chest. I suppose your right and i guess we wouldn't be here without her constant support"


"Come on Beau, go with your mum and tell her how you feel and then come back and tell me how it goes okay?" i suggested

"I will and thank you again Ally, means a lot" he said while pulling me into a hug

"No problem, always here for all you boys,now get your ass down those stairs" i told him

We got up and then went down stairs. Gina at the door looking at us

"I'm coming with you mum, I want/need to tell you something on the way" Beau said

"Of course Beau, come on. I'm going to miss my flight at this rate" she said

"Ally, it was lovely to meet you. Hopefully next time I'm here you will still be here and still friends with my boys and maybe more than friends with someone else" she said while looking from me to James causing him to blush like mad

"Of course Gina I will still be here, and yes I will still be friends with everyone, now go before you flight leaves with out you" I said while everyone ushered her and Beau out the door.

Now I have the responsibility to try and contain these 5 Aussies. Fun..... maybe

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