Chapter 10

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Ally's POV

Being stuck in between James and Luke was definitely going to be interesting to say the least. From what I had seen they had some sort of bromance going on which I found quite funny. When Luke was "upset" James was the one to make him happy again or if James wanted something Luke would always be the one to get it for him, if someone else got it James he wouldn't take it until Luke had touched it. Weird. But cute. We were sat in a small Italian restaurant with everyone, but if I'm honest I wasn't in the mood for eating but I suppose I should eat something small.

"Ally what are you having?" James asked looking up from his menu which was situated in front of his face

"I think I am going to have a caesar salad" I said

"That's not a lot Ally" James said while looking at me dead in the eyes

"I know but I'm not that hungry at the moment" I said while messing with my fingers

"I'm not going to push you to eat, what you drinking?" James asked

"Just water" I then heard James sigh

Emily and Jai were sat together talking, Daniel and Eleanor decided not to come, Gina was talking to Mariam seen as Gina was heading back to Melbourne tomorrow night. James was talking to Luke and Ronnie was talking to Jacob so here I was sat alone again. Great.

"James I'm just heading to the bathroom" I said while interrupting his conversation with Luke about tour stuff

"Okay. food will be here when you get back I think" he said while turning to look at me, I just smiled at him before walking to the bathroom.

Ever had the feeling of wanting to be alone to just cry, or being somewhere where you get this feeling of nobody wanting you there? Well this is what I have right now and I hate it, I think they just asked me out of pity to come tonight. I mean why else would they ask me? I feel as if James is the only one keeping me strong at the moment, I get butterflies when he talks about anything. Maybe I'm just thinking it. Why do I have to be such a fuck up?

I finished what I needed to do in the bathroom and went back to the table and what I could see table arrangements had changed, I was now sat next to James and Jai. James obviously wanting to talk to Luke more so now I had to move. Nice one. James brushed his hand on my thigh and I swear I felt something I have never felt before and that being an eruption of butterflies and my heart started racing. Sure he has touched my arms and legs to look at my scars but this was different. Maybe I was feeling this because I had a sense that he cared about me? Maybe I'm just being stupid.


We had all finished in the restaurant and now sat back at the boys' house. The boys were setting up the hookah outside while I helped Gina clean the kitchen a little, because boys will be boys when it come to living without a responsible adult about and not having to clean.  

"Glad you've eaten something Ally?" a thick Australian voice asked, while I watched Gina walk out of the kitchen

"Yeah I am actually, thanks for letting me come tonight. Enjoyed myself" I told Jai

"Ah your welcome. Got to let the girl James talks about nonstop come with us" Jai said.

Wait? What?

"Why does he talk about me?" I asked

"He cares Ally, more than anyone could. For anyone who doesn't like James, doesn't know how to pick a good guy. When we didn't see you for the week, he stressed so much about you just in case you did something stupid" he said. What the hell am I supposed to say to that?

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