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"So none of you did it?"

Nodding our heads in understanding.

"Very well then, but if any of you are lying to me you will not eat gummy worms for your entire life."

Phew, if she found out we will be all dead. Just imagine;

"Would anybody like to say any words"

The crowd is silent everybody is in tears

"Lets say goodbye to Autumn. A daughter, student, and a gummy worm."

"Now let's go onto her brother,  Isisah was a brother, hero, and a gummy worm."

"Last but not least, Devon who was their best friend. He was as well was a son, best friend, and of course a idiot."

"Oh wait I almost forgot, Ethan a beloved husband, dad, and a idot."

Okay Autumn stop, you're making these people uncromfortable. Besides I have better things to do, I need to build up my gummy worm army.

I mean if I was a gummy worm, I would eat myself.


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