Chapter 9

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With your help, Leon got on his feet slowly, groaning when he tried to move his arm. "Don't move it. It'll make it worse!"

"Yeah, I get that."

You picked up Leon's gun, checking to see if it had any bullets left in the magazine. You could borrow it for a moment, you were sure he wouldn't need it for a few minutes. "Any idea where we should go?"

Leon opened his eyes and pointed to the direction of the tunnel Ada had arrived from. "You could try this way, see where it goes."

"Alright, I'll take the lead for a while, we'll go when your ready."

"I'm ready, let's just go." Leon pushed himself off the wall with his good arm, standing on his own with his hand gripping onto the bandages.

You started to walk ahead, keeping a steady pace while Leon followed behind. You kept listening for his faltering steps, looking over every few minutes to make sure he was still on his feet. After a while, pain spasmed in his arm, making him cry out and stop in his steps. You were by his side in less than a second, your hand on his unwounded arm.

He panted for a moment, his eyes stayed on the ground. "This isn't working Leon, If it hurts too much I-I'll go on ahead and look for Claire-"

"Don't be..ridiculous." He lifted his head, staring at you with determined eyes. "It's just a bullet wound, its nothing."

"It's nothing?!" Your voice full of disbelief, staring at the rookie cop. You used the gun in your hand to gesture to your shoulder, reminding him of the bandages he put on you. "This Leon, is nothing! That," you pointed to his wound, "Is serious! Ada said you were losing too much blood, I think it's actually going to your head right now!"

He let out a small sigh, leaning against the wall for extra support.

"Women..." he muttered, staring up at the ceiling.

A groan escaped your mouth. Your hand went onto your hip, while the other went to pinch the bridge of your nose.


A faint chuckle escaped his lips. A bit of a tickle came up in your throat, making you giggle in response.

You made eye contact with him, a small smile showing on your face. He returned the gesture with a small smile of his own. "Let's keep going then, if we're lucky we can come across some better supplies, anything to make the pain a bit easier."
He nodded, getting off the wall as you started walking ahead. "Wait."

You turned your head, "What?"

"Can I at least have my gun?" He pleaded.

"Oh? You wouldn't let the woman do all the work, now would you?" You began to joke, your voice full of play as you did a good job keeping your face as innocent-looking as possible.

His look changed, a stern glare struck his features, completely believing your joke. "That's not what I meant (Y/N)."

"Relax Leon, I was just teasing." Handing the gun back, You turned your head back to continue walking. "Right, just teasing." He continued behind you.

The tunnel seemed to go on and on, the same dark grey hallways with dim, flickering lights. The same dark waters, and the same shiver that would go up your spine when you heard something out of place.

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