Chapter 6

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The silent ride felt like it took much longer than it actually was, the eerie silence between all of you not making it any better. After a few more seconds, the elevator fully came to a stop, The door sliding open automatically.

You stared down an ancient looking hallway with concrete brick walls, slightly green from thin ripples of water dripping through the cracks, lit by bright lights that hung on the ceiling. Claire walked out first after Sherry did, following along while Leon walked alongside them, his gun kept ready.

The hallway seemed to get more narrow the more you walked along, or maybe it was just your imagination playing tricks on you. Closed spaces like this wasn't really your most favorite areas to be in.

A loud growl was heard behind you, making you turn around to find those strange Crawlers up on the wall to your right. Sherry screamed at the sight, causing her to fall back behind Claire with fear. You aimed your gun as close to the exposed brain as you could, but missed when the beast jumped closer. Your bullet hit the concrete wall, chipping a minor hole in it.

The beast screeched, extending his tongue outwards as it jumped up onto the ceiling, reaching its long claws to scratch at you. You dodged back fast enough and crouched down so it wouldn't reach. You aimed up again and shot four times at its head, your bullets seemed to affect it much better with your perfect line of sight. After the seventh bullet, the creature collapsed to the floor headfirst with a sickly squelch.

The other two quickly jumped closer in an attempt to attack, quickly retreating for a moment when Claire joined in on the fight. Sherry had gotten behind Leon, hiding behind him as he held a protective arm over her to shield her from any possible attack.

"What the hell are these?!" Claire began to shoot up ahead in the hallway after the last crawler fell dead, killing off a group of strange looking leeches on the ground. These leeches looked to be ten inches long, strange, thin tentacles spread out on their sides that they used to crawl forward. Claire cried out in alarm when two of the leeches launched themselves off the floor towards her, their small, sharp teeth filled mouths attaching onto the fabric of her jacket.

"Claire!!" You grabbed both leeches and pried them off her, throwing them back up against the wall before Claire fired at them. Once the bullets hit their little bodies, they emitted a faint scream before convulsing, releasing a strange green substance that started to dissolve their bodies, leaving nothing but clear slime on the floor.

Claire panted a little, looking over herself. "Great, creepy crawlies, just what we need!"

You turned your head, looking at Sherry over your shoulder. "Hey, You okay?"

She nodded. "I'm okay."

You smiled a little, trying to appear as friendly as possible like Claire had been. "That's good. You're doing great, just stay close to any of us and we'll protect you, alright?"

She nodded, keeping close to Leon at the moment.

Claire began to take the lead further down the hallway, halting instantly when she came across a wooden door. "Wait!" Leon spoke up in a sharp whisper, raising his hand to halt everyone.

"Shh, listen."

You kept silent, turning your head a little and keeping your gaze to the ground to focus.

You heard faint drips of water hitting the concrete floor nearby, creating a somber tune. You heard the faint breathing of Sherry, who kept herself glued to Leon's side. You then heard a set heavy footsteps on the other side of the door.

"Someone's in there." You whispered, looking at Claire. As quickly and quietly as she could, She got her shotgun ready and looked towards you and Leon.

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