Chapter 17

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"(Y/N)?" A small voice echoed.

You didn't want to move an inch, your body was too comfortable and warm in your current position. The voice that called your name came louder this time, yet still kept the tone to a mere whisper. A cool hand rested on your shoulder, touching the exposed skin that your torn shirt collar couldn't hide, creating goosebumps. You opened your eyes slowly, immediately seeing darkness. You blinked your tired eyes rapidly, trying to clear your sight as best as you could. Am I blind? What's going on?

"(Y/N)?" The voice came a bit louder now. It was right in front of you, the small hand never leaving your shoulder. It gently began to shake you, trying to wake you up more, but in a gentle manner. "Gah," you hissed, your hand shooting up to the small one, "Easy, easy...Sherry?" You whispered, your voice raspy from sleep.

"Mhm." She responded. It was pitch black, your eyes not accustoming to the dark. You couldn't see her in front of you, so you had to guess what she was doing. You could make out that was kneeling, telling from how close her hand grabbed your shoulder. Her breathing was close, yet kept a close distance. "What happened..? Why is it dark?"

"The train stopped. Look." You blinked, not knowing what she meant in the dark. "Sherry, I can't see." Her hand left your shoulder, going towards your hand. She closed your fingers, leaving your pointer finger out. She pointed your hand towards where you think the door was at. That's when you saw the faint light exposed from the cracks. It wasn't bright light, it looked natural, sunlight maybe. "Can we go out?" She asked.

You gently pulled your hand away from hers, bringing it to your face to rub your eyes. You let out a semi-loud yawn, waking up a bit more. You tried to make out any figure of Claire, but it was still too dark to see any shape of her. Your eyes were still too tired to get used to the darkness. You looked over to see if Leon was any visible. You were positive he was still sitting with you. His warm body was slightly leaning against yours, his breathing was faint and quiet, meaning he was sleeping on you. "Yeah, let me just-" Your hand went to Leon's shoulder, slowly pushing him aside to get his weight off of your side. You sort of struggled against your pain, and the trouble of not waking him. You got him to rest against the wall finally, proping him up as best as you could, certain he wouldn't fall to the hard floor and get a concussion.

You stood up slowly, grunting a little from the pain. It wasn't as intense as before, it seemed to fade into a mere numb after sleep, but if you moved too much it would come back like a burst. You held your tongue, you didn't want to wake up the others. Sherry was at the door, her hand finding the handle and waiting for your signal to open it. "Go ahead."
She started to pull on the handle, grunting slightly as the door put up some resistance. If the power was still on, it would've opened easily. It started to slide slowly, causing some faint screeches on the door's frame. It sounded like it was rusted up and needed oil. But their was nothing you could do. The light from outside started to seep in, lighting up the dark train, at least making everything fairly visible. Sherry kept pushing, confident that the door will open wide enough. You wanted to help her, but you guessed your strength was nothing compared to hers at the moment. Unfortunately, it wouldn't budge after opening halfway, at least their was enough room for her to squeeze through. She jumped out, landing on dirt ground. She slowly stood and looked around while dusting off her hands, seeing the faint pastel blue skies caused from the morning sun. It seemed to create an ombré effect with the night sky disappearing, allowing the contrasting fire orange and purples to appear. "(Y/N). Come on." She started to walk ahead.

You squeezed through the opening, your hands holding onto the door so you wouldn't slip. You kneeled down, sort of sliding off of the train to prevent any further pain jumping may have caused. You looked up to look for Sherry, but what caught your eye was the sky. The clouds were streaked with bits of pink and purple, orange bringing out the bold contrasts of gold.

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