Prologue Bio

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Little disclaimer here. I'm writing this based on the Actual Resident Evil 2 and mixing it with The Darkside Chronicles version. It'll be different because I'm having to change up bits and pieces to make your character fit as best as possible. The original story line is still the same, only some events will change now that there is a third party in the game/story, which is you.
(In the you're young but trust me, this will be a very long story)
(And plus Leon is like 2-3 years older so yeah you will date him.
ALSO, Leon's mood will change through out the series this will become, it comes with age :P)

(2/26/24) Also, Please keep in mind this series is about 6 years old since I wrote it. Resident Evil remakes weren't around at the time, I did the best with what I had and I'm still proud of it lol.
Thank you for reading :)

Your name is (Y/n) (L/n), Yet you had learned to use a fake alias at a very young age.

You're 19 years old, yet were taken under the wing of the Umbrella Corporation at the age of 10. "Neglected and abandoned" by your parents was both a gross understatement and a vital reason for running away, looking for a purpose other than filth and squalor.

That's not what you would've told someone you didn't know or trust if they asked about your life story. You knew how to lie, but not very well.

The truth was plain and simple; you were kidnapped by the corporation in the dead of night. Sounds kind of cliche, but it happened, what could you really do?

From until the age of 12, you had vivid memories of countless doctors running tests on your vulnerable body, checking for any special genes you may have carried for reasons unknown. Anything to them would've been useful to test the viruses they kept secret from the world. For a girl lacking proper education, your mind was limited to the unimaginable at the time.

You were never able to forget the straps cutting into your skin with every poke and prod of various needles, wishing such pain on those who pushed down on various syringe plungers. What kind of hell did you deserve when you believed to be escaping from one, only to fall into the depths of another.

Fortunately, this under the table study was discovered by Oswell E. Spencer. While you were unaware that you weren't the first child that Umbrella experimented on, you were spared of any further unwanted treatments by the man himself.

Instead of disposing your weak, practically useless body back to the streets you came from, you were nursed back to health on orders from the very hands that harmed you. All by Spencer's words, "Given a chance of life under Umbrella."

Just like a strange, little doll, you were handed off towards the seemingly unmerciful Albert Wesker, yet another scientist who could've returned you to the operating table per his own amusement. However, under his care, he viewed and raised you as a trained soldier, educating and strengthening your physical and mental skills.

He was a strange man, showing cold care underneath sharp, yet stoic behavior. A man like him had no reason, per your beliefs, to raise someone like you. From weak, starved, and alone, you grew quick, strong, and bold in much of what he chose to teach you.

What he prepared you for left no room for tears when on your fifteenth birthday, Wesker located your old, cold family home and handed you a warm gun, ordering you to kill them in their sleep.

"Forgetting your past will only make your mind weak, In order to move forward, you must eliminate past burdens. Trust me (Y/N), two bullets will do."

From there, you never looked back, for you knew no other way forward than what was presented to you.

As the age of 18, you were offered a choice to promote your unidentified role in the corporation to mentor many others in the same way Wesker mentored you.

Whether it was for subjects willing or not, you found yourself refusing, per Wesker's visible disappointment. While grateful, you refused to see yourself in his position and continue the harsh routine, never truly seeing yourself becoming a cold, ruthless teacher to a weak, crying child.
Instead, Wesker offered you a side position with to join undercover in the S.T.A.R.S force, a project of his you knew little of, or the purpose of it.

Still, you refused anything that had to do with violence. Again, per his disappointment.

Instead, you took a much more different and personal approach towards your future.

You insisted some time off to roam the streets of Raccoon City. While it was a choice uncalled for, Wesker allowed it with little word of refusal. A little mouse who wanted to see the world from an adult's point of view, not a child surviving in the streets. He never questioned it, never fully denied it.

Your own personal reasons were merely one of many secrets you kept from Umbrella.

You encountered Ada Wong many times in the past, some even by accident. The first time you met her, you were young and naive enough to help her with her mission of needing certain information and virus samples, even going as far as to introduce her towards a man of interest to her.

That day, you learned the term double cross, but in the end she promised: "Don't worry, I'll make up for it... in some way."

The last thing you expected was the outbreak, and the battle for your life and future rested in your own hands. Whether you were strong enough to deal with it on your own really remained to be seen.

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