She walks slowly, counting her steps till she is standing before the fire place, she turns to face a middle aged, handsome man.
'probably in his forties' she thought as she stares at him.
He closes the book which he had been reading, dropping it on a small brown glassy table besides him, he stands and walks to her
"You must be Maurinette" he takes her hand and plants a kiss on it gently "I am Tony, King Darian's uncle" relief washes over her, she feels relaxed now she knows he isn't an impostor.
"Oh, it's nice to meet you. how do you know me?"
He laughs "Oh, people you never imagined know you exist. I can't believe your like still exists." his brown glassy eyes roams around her body, like a predator stalking its prey. he raises his hands and touches her cheeks slightly, she shivers, disgusted by his touch.
Something about him is very suspicious, he looks a lot like Darian but he has that evil and malicious stare. She has grown quite the habit of studying people and her instincts tell her to stay clear of him, she masks her face with a fake smile "it is lovely meeting you, Tony but I have to leave." she turns around but he grabs her by the wrist, his grips crushes her tiny wrist as she squeals in pain"Uncle Tony" She turns around and sighs when she sees Darian.
"King Darian" he bows mockingly
"I heard you came for a visit, you never informed before coming" Darian folds his arms, he looks at Tony. He is tense but doesn't let it show, over the years that had past, he had learned how to mask his feelings. Tony lets Maurinette go
"I heard that the palace has a new visitor, I had to come take a look. am that curious" he grins
"Yes, aren't we all" Darian murmurs as he grabs her hand. He leads Maurinette out of the library
"Nice to meet you again" Tony yells, behind.
Tony is his father's uncle. when Darian was younger, he adored his uncle and always anticipated his visits. He would get lovely gifts for the entire royal family. He was Darian's idol but everything changed the night his father died. Tony switched character like a chameleon in camouflage, he was cruel to Darian and his mother. He had his eyes on the throne and almost became the king if his mother hadn't taken the throne but she also died tragically and everytime he sees his uncle, he can't shake off that uneasy feeling that he is responsible for his father's death.Darian stops when he has gone a reasonable distance from the library "what were you thinking" he yells, his blue eyes, turning darker.
"What do you mean?" she looks at him, confused and a little irritated.
"I gave you permission to go anywhere you wanted in the palace and not to talk to people"
"I didn't start the conversation, he did." she pauses "why the hell do I need to take permission from you. You don't own me" he darts his fiery eyes at her, she steps back, wishing she hadn't said anything.He walks slowly to her and grabs her forcefully, throwing her on his shoulder as he speeds away.
In a flash of lightning, she finds herself on a bed. She looks around the room, it has the same design with hers but is light brown and bigger.
"where am I and what am I doing here?" she looks around "take me to my room now"
"He sits at the edge of the bed, looking at her with remorseful eyes
"Blue. Am sorry." he rakes his hand through his hair "I don't want you to talk to anyone besides me. I am sorry that I am being so over protective."
Her once agitated look softens, she looks at him guiltily. He knew she would forgive him, he knew that his words had an effect on her, he just had to use the right words. He stares at her, making contact with her eyes. They always did fascinate him, his eyes moves down to her red lips which is quivering. He knew she was scared of him and he wanted to let her know that he would never harm her. Physically hurt her at least, she was now more precious to him, not as a power source but as someone special
"I am sorry, I yelled at you. I can take care of myself----" he shuts her up by gently placing his lips on hers. Her eyes widen and her body tense, her heart skips a beat.
She feels light headed, like she is floating on thin air. She feels butterflies fluttering in her stomach and her heart somersaults as fireworks set in her stomach. the world stops moving and then again, they are the only one in the world.
he smirks as he lifts his lips from hers. He had just made a slight contact between their lips but it felt like the world to her.
His brows furrow in confusion and he slowly breaks into a wide grin
"Blue, was that your first kiss?"
Her face reddens and she turns away, she tightens her grip on the blanket.
"Breathe blue, breathe" he chuckles, her startled eyes when he kissed her was priceless, She couldn't look cuter.
She relaxes, releasing the breathe she didn't know she held for so long.
"You are so cute" he laughs, standing up as he unbuttons his coat. She shifts uneasily on the bed as he pulls the coat down his shoulder.
"What--are--you--doing" she stutters as she grips the blanket and drags it to her chest. He stares at her with a confused look
"What does it look like am doing?" he raises an eyebrow and he breaks into a grin. He know what she is thinking and her reaction discourage him, she looks at him, scared. He knows now, the full extent of what he was about to do, how it would kill him to see her in pain. He feels his chest tighten. He walks to the other side of the bed and lay with his back on the bed, looking up. He rests his head on his hands, he could sense her looking at him, he smiles.
"Blue, rest. You'll sleep here tonight"
"Darian, I shouldn't---" he smirks and turns to face her
"Good night blue"

ParanormalMaurinette is a young girl who lived with her parents for the past 19 years, at least she thought she has lived that long. she relocates to an entirely different place, trying to run away from the people who hurt her. she did not know she was runnin...