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They walk down the hill and to her surprise, the city looks smaller in a closer range than on the hill. "The castle is so small. how small are the people, dwarfs?"
He nods "no, follow me"
He leads her through buildings which is just her length, till they get to the castle. It is slightly taller than her but Darian could see above it with ease
"Bend down Blue" they both bend down and lean against the wall, peering through a small aperture which seems to be a window. She looks in and sees tiny bright blue lights, hovering around an orange brighter light. The lights are bright and crystal-like, they are somehow round but a little elongated. She can't see more than that, they are as tiny as specs of light or even snow crystals, she is mesmerized by the beautiful sight
"The orange light is the queen"
"Queen?" she turns to him, confused. She looks at him like he has lost his mind, there are twinkles of light flying around and he calls the brighter light the queen 'are they living?'
"These are pixies, Blue"

Hanos paces mechanically in the court room and stops when he hears the door open
"Your majesty, I heard news of Tony's arrival and I came as quickly as I could"
"I know Hanos" he sighs and rests his hand on his waist "he is after Blue"
"Blue?" Hanos stares at him with an all knowing look
"Maurinette.He knows of her existence"
Hanos gives him a disapproving look "we know what will happen if he gets her. My king, I am afraid you are attached to this woman but may I remind you the repercussions -----"
Darian raises his hands and Hanos keeps quiet
"You have over stepped your boundaries Hanos. You don't have to tell me again and again" he looks at Hanos, irritated then he waves his hands and Hanos leaves. He slumps into the chair, burying his head in his palms

Blue sits on the bed, recalling her past events with Darian. She smiles sheepishly and covers her face with her palms.
"My lady, are you alright" she removes her palms and composes herself, trying not to sell away her giddy feeling
"Yes Lisa"
"You can always tell me anything, I do keep secrets" she smiles innocently and Blue returns the smile
"Thank you Lisa but it is nothing. Please draw me a bath" Lisa's face turns cold but she replaces it immediately with an innocent smile
"Of course" she leaves

"Where is Lady Maurinette" Lisa turns around, startled to find Affira in the room
"She is in the bathroom"
"Leave, I'll continue"
"But----yes" she bows and leaves.

Affira sits on a chair, looking around the room. She is never comfortable in brightly colored rooms. She always hated sunshine even though vampires have evolved to be immune to its heating effect. She prefer being in dark, quiet places. She returns from her thoughts when she sees Maurinette walking out of the bathroom bare footed and a towel tied round her chest and on her hair.
She gasps when she sees Affira "you startled me, where is Lisa?" she looks around the room, searching for Lisa
"I sent her away, I'll help you with what you need" she stands gracefully, her composure always left Maurinette gasping. She held herself with so much esteem which gave her respect. Someone would think she is of royal blood. 'maybe she really is royal blood but how is she related to King' she shakes her head 'no, she isn't'
"You don't need to. What do you need" she says trying to sound as polite as she can be, although the words didn't come out as polite as she expected. She notices a slight irritation on Affira's face which she effectively and speedily masks with a smile. It makes Maurinette think that she was only imagining the mood change.
"The first day you came to the palace, I took you and studied you. Found out who you really are, but now, I want to find out the true extents of your power" she stares deeply into Maurinette's eyes
"What do you-----" Maurinette falls on the bed, unconscious
"King Darian isn't doing anything about this so, I have to do something" she walks to the side of the bed and brings out a dozen of needles and a black orb.

Tony is in a mini pool, women surround him as he lay his head at the edge of the pool, his hand holding a glass and the other around a woman's waist. Soft music plays, filling the silence as he closes his eye shut and let the woman bath him
'what could he be possibly thinking. He has kept that creature under a strong security so what they said is true. I have to know what the are planning. I have to beat them at their own game' Lost in his thought, he doesn't hear the door open and someone walk in, the music stops and he clears his throat, waking Tony from his thoughts.
"I believe you have good news" Tony says as he walks out of the pool and a woman hands him a towel which he wraps around his waist
The man looks pale and motionless, like a robot and he nods "the King and Hanos are planning something, Affira is with her now but I don't know why. She had shut us out"
"Find out what she is doing, I don't care how"

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