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"We have to leave now"
She yells, tugging at his shirt. "Can't you feel the presence, it isn't hunan"
"We can't leave now" he forcefully pushes her away "we can't turn back"

'The bravffff----one aren't you?'
The creature moves with inhuman speed. It hisses as he speaks, giving an assumption that it is a reptile. It moves past them so fast that they only feel it's presence which is impossible for a vampire
"Come out----now" Fabian stammer as he shifts uneasily and just then silence falls throughout the cave with only the pitter patter of the water drops breaking the silence. Fabian looks around, trying to pin point the creatures location. He knows that it is a reptile - like creature so it would occasionally hiss and slither.

Immediately, Maurinette wakes with an unearthly scream, making their hearts jump to their throat. Lisa screams in fear as she jumps into Fabian's arm. It takes few seconds for her to recover, she glares at the sick Loarin with disdain
"I hate her"

Thatsssss not a polite way to ssssspeak of royalty. His hiss filled words startle her once again, she looks around but this time, finds a snake like figure in the midst of the darkness. She can visualize it's shape but doesn't really see it clearly. It slowly slithers to her and she gasps in shock, moving few steps backwards as it crawls into the light. She screams out her voice when she sees a reptilian man.

Maurinette who also notices it's presence, equally startled screams in shock, her frail heart cannot take in everything and she faints.
The Baxar grins and hisses, shaking it's fork like tongue in the air which is at least 25 centimeters long

The Baxar grins and hisses, shaking it's fork like tongue in the air which is at least 25 centimeters long

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It has the hands of a human but a long tail and a hooded head like a king cobra. His ash colored skin glistens under the bright light offered by the full moon. It's belly is white and it's back a mixture of ash and silver. It's sides are lined with black squarish marks. It's eyes round and black with a hint of gold and a long oval pupil.
Lisa gasps in horror as she runs to

Fabian, it looks like a male medusa, leaving out the snake hair and human face.
The Baxar could scare a baby back into the mother's womb. It is truly a formidable creature. It is a creature of dark magic, extremely powerful and wise with great strength. It is the last of its kind, it's family were wiped out in the vamparian war centuries ago and so he lived alone when he lost his child and wife.

He laughs
I did sscare you, you are welcome. I do not get visitors very often. I ssshould probably blame that on the cave
"And your looks" Fabian says non chalantly, earning a smack on the arm by Lisa
'Where are my mannersss'
he smiles ruefully and slowly begins to morph, horrifically into a man. A very handsome man
'Howsss this'
they stare at him in shock and horror. He has a hint of slithering in his speech but not as much as when he look like a snake

"I believe Tony ssent you" he says casually as he walks to the body lying unconscious over the camel
"Y--yes. How did you know" Lisa stammer as her eyes train his movements
"You ssee, I know more than you could ever know. I onsse owed him a favour, ssseemss like he wantss thiss ass payment. He iss indeed a ssmart man, I would never have let you sstep into this cave alive, I do enjoy been a myth you know. You should thank him."
He says with a cold calm voice which seem to instill greater fear into them. He bends besides Maurinette and holds her neck, tracing the prints on the Salihan
They both stare at him dubiously, suddenly conscious of his activities. Fabian assumes a fighting stance and the Baxar chuckles but doesn't release the neck collar. He closes his eyes, muttering incoherent words and suddenly the Salihan clicks open.
"There" he stands "you have done enoff, you can leafff"
"What" Lisa's voice raises by an octave "you expect us to trust the creature with you?"
"No, I don't expect that, but I expect you to leave if you want to keep your life. I dont repeat wordss"
He says calmly, not seeming disturbed by their attitude which makes them all the more scared. He lifts Maurinette, effortlessly on his arms and walks deep into the cave.

Rogan lazily walks out of his room, his eyes half closed as he walks to the living room. He hears a noise at the kitchen and stops, his claws protrude as he tiptoes to the kitchen's door in order to catch the intruder. He jumps forward, about to strike when someone holds his hand.
He stares, wide eyed when he sees Joseph staring at him with a grin
"Now is that how to welcome your father"
He looks at his father, surprised. his eyes trail his father's movements when Joseph drops his hand and returns to what he is doing. He picks the knife and shares the piece of bread diagonally, taking one and handing the other half to Rogan who declines with a nod.
"Peanut butter had always been your favorite"
"Preference do change with time" he says coldly as he tries to intimidate Joseph with his stares but Joseph seems unfazed as he shrugs his shoulders and sit on the soft pillowed chair besides the table
"You haven't told me what you want"
"Can't a father have a good ol' chat with his son"
"Well, it's been ages since my father had a chat with me. He has probably come to talk me out of competing with Gilbert for the post of the tribe leader"
"That, and also something else" he takes a big bite from the snack

"Sit" Rogan raises an eyebrow but obeys "it has always been my dream to see you act so responsible to the extent of wanting to be a leader and I have no doubt that you would do everything in your power to be a good one but I want to believe that your reasons for pursuing this cause is genuine. If it is, you have my blessings Rogan, I won't stop you but you would have a hard time getting the people's trust but what you set your mind to, you will achieve"

Rogan looks at him with, confused. he didn't expect Joseph to support his decision, going against him is among the reasons he set out for the cause. "thank you for believing in me"
"I never lost faith in you but son I do hope you know that been the leader to the whole tribe of werewolves in Bellington is a huge task and you cannot rush into it without a clear mind, I do hope you see past trying to take things away from Gilbert, he hurt you but don't let revenge cloud your judgement, you would never get what you desire that way son"
Rogan turns away guilty, he knows that Joseph knows his reasons for wanting to be the leader but he didn't stop him but let him take his own decisions. He never like been so responsible for a lot of things like a tribe but here he is running for that position because he has to get back at Gilbert and Michelle.
'he is probably right. I cannot let revenge cloud my judgement. They have to pay but not when other people's life are at stake'
He turns to his father who is happily taking huge bites from his snack, Rogan glares at him, confused. Few seconds ago, he was talking seriously about making right decisions and know he is happily eating like he isn't the same person who adviced him seriously.

Hope you enjoyed this New chapter of moon rage (revolution). Pictorial descriptions of people would be put often and the chapters would definitely get longer with time.

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