Chapter Four: Travel

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Nialls POV

"Ya ready babe?" I call. We need to start headin to the airport, our flight leaves in 3 hours and we have to be there an hour early, it takes a good 20 odd minutes to get there as it is.

"Yeah. Just finishing my suitcase" she calls back.

I begin to put the bags we'd already packed in the hotel trolley. "sorry sir, but the taxi driver has others who need transportation as well, we need to move along or he'll have to go." The hotel assistant told. According to his badge on his shirt, his name is Ron.

"Oh, yeah of corse. Sorry about this." I answer. I walk back to the front door and yell out to Ash again. "Ash, before Christmas would be nice!"

I hear her foot steps comin down the hall as she stumbles. "Yeah. I told you I was coming!"

"Well not quick enough." I shoot. "The driver is just about ready to leave."

"Well I'm sorry that I packed half the things that YOU left in the room, you should be thanking me instead of nagging." she puts the bags on the trolley and starts heading down to the taxi. The assistant pushed it down behind her and I followed not long after. What's up her bum today.

I walked to the service desk where Ash was, obviously paying for our stay before we leave. "I can do this if you want to get in the car"

"No I'll do it"

"Here, I can use my card for now-"

"Niall, give it a rest. Get in the car and let me pay." she says sternly.

I raise an eye brow at her and frown. "Okay. Jesus." I head to the car and thank the assistant for putting the bags in the back.

Ash joins me in the back seat of the cab not long after. "Airport please, sir." she says and he nods. we begin to head off and now all we have to do, is wait for this drive to be over.

I look over at Ash, who's just staring out the window. "What's wrong with ya?"

She turns to me and frowns. "nothing is wrong with me. What's wrong with you?"

"I'm not the one with the temper today."

"I don't have a temper!" she snaps.

"You don't call that a temper?" I laugh.

She rolls her eyes and sighs loudly. "just drop it Niall, or you'll make me angrier."

"I just want to know what's wrong, something is obviously upsetting ya and I don't want ya to snap at me like ya have bee-"

"I told you to drop it, so just bloody drop it!" She snarls. I shake my head and sigh as she turns back to look out the window. I think it's her time of the bloody month. so glad I don't have to deal with that shit.

The rest of the car trip was silent, and seemed to be long. But we finally got to the airport and I payed the driver before getting out.

We got another trolley for our bags, but this time we didn't have an assistance. once our bags were filled on the trolley, we headed inside and got our tickets, and they took our suitcases, so we had less package.

We walked to gate 12 and sat in the seats. "Want a coffee or somethin?" I ask Ash.

She shakes her head. "are ya sure?"

"Yes I'm sure Niall!" she shoots.

"Alright, alright." I stand up again and walk off to the nearest cafe, annoyed at her pissy mood. But seriously, what is wrong with her today? she's never like this. somethin has to be bothering her, and im gonna find out.

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