Chapter Eight: Incoming

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{yes, you can hate me. I'm so sorry for not updating in like forever idek, I've just been busy and haven't been able to write. But it's finally here, thanks for 7K loveys :D x}

Ashley's POV

I lean over the toilet for the 5th time this week, same time every day, being mainly in the morning. Niall holds back my hair and rubs my back, while I spew and spew until I empty my stomach totally. I cough, leaning back on the wall and cringing at the taste in my mouth.

I put my hand up for Niall to hand me the glass of water, him knowing what to do every time it happens, since it's happened a lot this week. I stand up slowly and lean over the sink, rinsing my mouth with the water and having a drink afterwards. "better now?" Niall asks softly.

I turn around and see his tired face, feeling bad for getting him up this early, and it's not the first time. "think so," I reply. I bite my lip, as he rubs his droopy eyes and yawns. "I'm sorry Ni."

He blinks a few times, "for what?"

"You've been up so early every morning to help me, you must be tired."

He steps forward and grabs my hand, "you don't need to apologise babe, what are husbands for?"

I scratch the back of my neck with the hand he wasn't holding, "I just feel bad, that's all."

"Well don't," he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, "come back to bed with me, and when we wake up, I'm taking you to the doctors like we should've done days ago."

I nod, following him back to bed and climbing in, cuddling into his chest and listening to his heart beat that puts me to sleep every night.


"Ashely Horan please," the doctor calls. Niall and I stand from our seats, walking down the corridor and into my doctors room. "how may I help you today, Ashely?"

We sit in the chairs in front of his desk, "well, I've been vomiting for most of this week, just thought it was the stomach virus, but I haven't been getting any better. Just wanted to see if there was any medication that could help get rid of it or you could tell me if maybe it's not the virus?"

He nods, standing up with his stethoscope in his hand. "May I listen?" I nod back, as he places it on my chest and I take deep breaths in and out as he listens to my heart. He finally takes it off and puts it around his neck, "any certain time of the day you vomit?"

I nod, "normally early mornings."

He scratches his head, his tongue out as he thinks. "could I feel your stomach for a moment?"

I raise an eyebrow, seeing in the corner of my eye that Niall looked just as confused as me. But the doctor knows what he's doing so I tell him yes. I lift my shirt a little, so my stomach was showing and he presses his hands on it, his hands being quite cold on my warm skin, as he feels around for whatever he was looking for. I was so confused to why he needed to do this, but like I said, he knows what he's doing.

He stands up straight again and sits back in his chair, writing on the paper on the clip board he had. I turn my head to Niall and he shrugs, as we wait for the doctor to speak again. "you haven't got anything you need to do after this do you?" he asks.

I look back to Niall again, wondering. Niall answers for me by shaking his head, "no, we don't, why?"

"Ashely needs to have an ultrasound, to see what's going on inside her stomach. I have an idea of what it is, but the ultrasound will give a definite answer." he clicks a few things on his computer as he plays with the pen in his hand, "if you head down stairs now, I can be there in 10 minutes or so and we can figure this out."

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