Chapter Eleven: Forgiveness

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"I finally won something!" My sister, Lara, shouts excitedly as we finished our second game of bowling. "Dan, you promised me a cake, go fetch."

"Lara," I scold.

"It's okay." Dan, Kiras boyfriend laughs. "I did promise you, so I'll go buy you one." Dan made a deal with my sister that if she won both games, he'd buy her a full cake to eat all by herself because she's just a little fatty like that. She's not actually fat, that's just my nickname for her because she eats more than a pig does.

"Ooh I came second!" Kira claps.

"Yeah, I came last," I chuckle, me being absolutely terrible at bowling.

Lara laughs at me, "is there anything your good at sis?"

"Don't be mean to your big sister," Kira tells.

"No, it's okay, because there's a list of things I could mention that would embarrass Lara." I smirk evilly.

"Don't you even dare," Lara glares at me.

Dan comes back with a cake box in his hand and gives it to Lara, who grins like a fool and drools over the delicious cake he bought her.

"Thanks Dan!" she coos, licking a bit of the icing.

We put our bowling shoes back at the front desk and head out the door to the car park, getting in dans car.

"maybe you can share some of that cake with us at mums for tea?" I ask, smiling at her sweetly.

She shakes her head, "I share, but I don't share my food."

"But sharing is caring!"

"Get your own cake Ash." Lara growls, holding her cake away from me and I roll my eyes.

Once we pulled into our driveway, I got out the quickest and ran inside to see my mother, not sure why I was so excited to see her, but I was.

I opened the door and smelt the same smell as always, everything still how it was when I lived here too. I miss this. "Hey mum!" I call out, announcing we were here. "your favourite daughter is here!"

Lara snorts, "now that you've moved out I think I've taken that place,"

I hear footsteps coming down the hallway and turn to see my smiling mum, "Ashely darling, good to see you!" she almost power walks over to me and we crash together, hugging each other tightly.

I pull away, "hi mum, still okay to stay for some tea?"

She nods, "of corse, I love having you all here," she points to the chairs and smiles her sweet smile, "please, sit, I'll put the kettle on and get the cake I made this morning, it's your favourite Ash."

I lick my lips, knowing that it must be my all time favourite caramel cake, yum. We sit down and listen as the kettle whistles once it's boiled and mum comes back with big plate of cake.

"Lara won't be needing any," I tell, "Dan and her made a deal, she got a cake out of it. and she won't share either."

Mum rolls her eyes and laughs, looking at her to see her already stuffing her face. "how piggish of you Lara."

Mum cut a piece of the cake for the three of us and herself too, but getting the tea and bringing it to the table. "so, any gossip to talk about?" She asks, making conversation.

"Justin Bieber broke the law again, more drugs." Kira spoke up.

Mum shakes her head, "that boy never learns, fame has really gotten to him."

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