Chapter Six: Glorious Food

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"I'll see you guys tomorrow, you's can all come to mine for a cuppa." I smile to my mother, brother and sister.

"That would be lovely." mum kisses my cheek.

I walk to the front door, waiting for Niall to come along. "thanks for organising this, it was great to see ya all." niall says to everyone, waving and saying goodbye.

He finally reaches me and grabs my hand, "let's go."

I smile before grabbing all our bags and walking to my little house around the corner.

"Are ya sure your okay with me stayin?" Niall speaks up.

I look at him with a funny expression. "are you kidding? of corse I don't mind Niall!"

He chuckles. "it'll only be until we go back on tour, anyway."

"And that'll give us time to find our house." I grin and he nods.

"Do ya have anything in mind, Ash? for our house I mean."

I chew on my lip, thinking. "well, I want it to be big. Not like mansion big, but big enough to fit a family. ya know, 3 rooms or something. Oh, and I really want a walk in wardrobe, so I can fit all my clothes and shoes in it. Oh and I spa would be nice."

He chuckles. "that sounds brilliant. ya really planning on a family, hey?"

I try to hide my smile, and I shrug a bit. "I've always wanted kids, not for a while of corse though."

He grins cheekily at me, "well, the baby making part is quite fun."

I hit his shoulder, "Niall!"

He laughs his cute laugh, causing me to laugh along too.

We reach my house and stand at the driveway, staring at it. I sigh, "you have no idea how much I've missed home."

"So, I'm guessing ya like this house I got ya?" He speaks.

I nod. "It's small, but cosy."

He walks to the front door and opens it with the key he took from my hand, "ya comin?"

I look at him. "yeah, just getting the mail and checking everything is the same as I left it."

"Kay." he coos. "I'll put the fire on, and make us some hot chocolate, yeah?"

I lick my lips, that sounds so good. "sounds great!"

I get the mail out of the letter box, seeing only envelopes of more bills to pay. I walk over to the garden, looking at the 2 yellow roses that I planted as soon as I moved into this house.

1 rose for Dad, and 1 rose for Greg. 2 people I loved a lot. I pick up the watering can sitting next to them, checking to see if there's still water in it, which there was, and I poor it onto both the roses.

I look down at them and smile, both of them are beautiful. 2 beautiful roses for 2 beautiful people.

I begin to think back, remembering a time when both my dad and Greg was there.


"Niall, my leg really hurts." I cry, the hot tears running down my cheeks.

Niall kneels down beside me and whips away a tear, "I'll go get your dad, but Greg will keep you company until I'm back, okay?"

I nod, looking over to Greg as Niall runs back to my house. Greg sits next to me, with a sad smile on his face. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to push you over."

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