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The pitter patter of rain drops on the gutter is disrupting my chain of thought. I stare at the bowl of fruit I'm trying so hard to replicate. The vibrant mix of colors and sharp lines on my canvas make it look more abstract than I had hoped.

"Arch! I can't do this," I say as I bang my pallet and paintbrush against the mahogany table beside me.
The chilling sound of the water gushing to and fro in the gutter reminds me I'm alone. A chill runs down my spine and makes me shudder.

"Kamara! I'm home," I hear a familiar soprano voice echo through the hall. I knew who it was, my roommate, Jordan. I lift the sleeve of my overalls back on my shoulder.
"I got a letter in the mail from somewhere in England," Jordan says again without confirming my presence. The second I hear those words I was already halfway down the stairs. She was in the kitchen putting the away the groceries she had just bought. I stop and catch my breath before approaching her.

"Is it from Manchester?" I say trying not to sound too inquisitive despite the fact that I wanted to skip around the room like a little girl. She looks up at me confused as she holds the letter in her hands and places her cup of coffee on the table.. As is she hadn't heard a thing I said. I grab the letter from her hands and stare blankly at it. 1 part of me wanted to tear it open while the other part is terrified of the words that hide beneath the thin sheet of paper.

"If you're not going to do it I am," Jordan said before grabbing it from my hands,

I snatch it back and then hand it back to her but not before I take it again and then place it on the table.

I finally speak after we both stare at it for a few minutes and she quietly sips her coffee "Okay you open it." I say and she reaches out for the envelope as she places her coffee down.

"But it's my letter it's like a crime to read another person's mail, I should open it." I say grabbing it from her hands

"But you're too shy to open it so let me." She says as she gently tries to pull it back but I don't give it to her.

"Kamara RELEASE." She says gently tugging at it, but I pull it back.

She pulls again and I return the gesture and soon enough we're playing a gentle tug of war with the letter.

She grabs her coffee and places it over our hands.

"I will pour this over your hands if you don't let go. So we can do this the easy way... Or the hard way, either way in end up with the letter."

"You wouldn't." I say challenging her.

"Try me." She says with a wicked smile.

I give in because I can tell she isn't bluffing and release it.

She quickly starts ripping it open and reads it with her mouth gaped in awe. Then she hands it to me with her face gleaming. I looked down and read what it said. "Oh my God! They're offering me the job at the Art Gallery in Manchester," I say covering my mouth. I feel my heart beat hard against my innocent rib-cage. I had dreamt of this day since I was a kid.
We both hold hands and jump around in a circle like a bunch of high school girls then we stop and smile at each other.

"When are you leaving." She says as she smooths down her hair.
I quickly skim over the letter and my heart stops when I notice the date.

"It says I should be there by tomorrow." I say softly.

"Woah!" She exclaims

"Jordan are you..." She quickly shakes her head before I finish the statement.

"This is about you, now go get ready, we'll celebrate later." She says with an unbelievable laugh.
Sadly I have to take her advice but we'll celebrate later, I know she's happy for me.

I run up to my room which is covered in a self painted mural of cherry blossoms only found in Japan. I know this is a once in a life time opportunity and I have no idea what lays ahead of me in England, but a chance lie this might never come again.

The letter said I needed to be there tomorrow which means I need to be on a flight tonight. I ignore the nagging voice in the back of my mind telling me everything wrong with this plan but I let the rush and adrenaline take over because it's all worth it.

I stare out of the window and breathe in a sigh of relief.

Finally, things are going my way.

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