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It took me approximately five seconds to turn stone cold sober at the sound of that voice.

I slowly turned, almost as if I was scared to see the face the person it came out of. I mean, it can't be. Could it? What was I even arguing about, of course it can't be.

"Alec! What the hell is going on here?" She asked, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Don't sound so upset, its just a blindfold. It won't kill you to be surprised once in awhile." I say and chuckle to myself.

I take her hand and lead her up the stairs and all the way to the door at the end of the hall. I make her stand directly in front of it as I rummage through my pockets for the keys of the door.

"Alec! You know I hate surprises! Please stop torturing me already." She whines and I can hear the excitement she's trying to play off as annoyance.

She's so easy to read.

I find the right key and unlock the door. Its exactly how I left it and I felt my heart start beating faster. Suddenly I was all nervous to show her but some part of me knew she would like it.

I took off her blindfold and held my breath.

"Alec Xavier Dimitri! I hate you so much! This is perfect! I hate you for being so wonderful, so much so that I don't think any gift will ever be better than this!" She screamed before running into the studio.

I paid good money to get this studio remodelled and decorated exactly to her style. I made sure it was properly stocked with all these different art supplies that I would see lying around the bedroom floor. I also went out and bought a vintage record player from the stupid antique shop she insisted on working in during the holidays.

"Do you... like it Kaya?" I ask a little nervous to hear all the things she liked and didn't.

"Like it? I absolutely adore it. Every nook and every cranny. All of it, simply lovely!" She exclaimed before sinking into the burgundy sofa under the skylight.

"Happy Birthday." I said before tossing her the keys and started making my way to the door.

"Where are you going? We need to celebrate! And bless the place. I'll go get the vodka from the car." She said, getting up from the sofa.

"What vodka?" I ask pretending to be curious.

"Oh c'mon Alec, as if I don't know you have three new bottles of vodka in that car every week. You can spare one for my birthday, can't you?" She giggled and kissed my cheek before running off to the car.

I really wished it was her but it can't be so I need to get her out of my head.

I saw the face and no, it wasn't her. It was that girl from the office.

"Well? Answer me right now!" She shouted before stomping towards me.

My head started pulsing from how loud her voice was.

Everything became so loud.

"Get the fuck out of my house." I said pointing towards the door before turning to walk away.

She grabbed my arm and spun me around to face her. Then she slapped me.

This bitch.

She slapped me and she tried to do it again but I caught her hand before she could.

"How dare you? You're disgusting! I hope your stupid gallery does end up like you, a wreck." She spat at me and I threw her hand away.

"You don't think I know that she hates me! I know! So let me just fuck everything up because it's the only thing I know how to do right! Now get out before I teach you a lesson for that slap." I say and see the tears welling up in her eyes.

She's such a sensitive, little bitch who needs to learn her place before she gets what's coming to her.

She turns around and starts making her way to the door.

"Oh and you're fired. Don't let the door hit you on the way out." I say before walking over to the bottle of whiskey on the table against the wall.

"Then if I'm fired, I don't have to listen to you anymore!" She shouts from the door before stomping towards me and grabbing the bottle from my hand.

If this dumb bitch drinks my whiskey and makes me take care of her again, I will just shoot myself to get out of it.

She looks me dead in the eye and throws the bottle against the wall. My eyes widen and my mouth goes dry.

This bitch is crazy.

"EVERYONE GET OUT! OUT! OUT! OUT! Party's over! Grab your clothes ladies and take whatever you want but leave right now!" She starts instructing and within five minutes everyone is out and the house is dead silent.

I tighten the belt of my robe and pour myself a glass of vodka from the bottle under the sink in the kitchen. I walk back into the lounge and see her waiting for me on the couch.

"Sit down." She orders and I look at her squinting. She really has the audacity to act all high an mighty by looking down on me.

I snicker and start to turn when she lifts another bottle of rum that she probably found in my liquor cabinet and pointed to the wall that she threw the last bottle at. I wasn't one to be manipulated but I knew that if I didn't listen, I would have to leave to get more liquor and I wasn't up for it.

"Fine." I said before walking towards the couch opposite her.

"So aren't you going to explain why you went on this stupid bender. You've missed five meetings with investors and people are starting to pull out of the gallery. If you don't get your act together, you're not going to have a gallery to go back to." She said and I could hear mixed emotions behind her voice.

There were so many that I couldn't make out which ones they were.

"Let them take their money. I don't give a shit. I have plenty of money." I say before taking a swig of my drink. She stands up and walks towards me.

She grabs the glass and replaces it with a bottle of water from her bag. I watch as she downs the drink and shakes her head in disgust so I shoot her a look.

"What? I can't do this sober." She says and I crack a slight smile.

I sigh and take a swig of the water.

This is going to be a long day.

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