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Why am I even here?

The banging music sounds exactly like it did yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. Sweaty bodies, smoke filled rooms and flashing lights. It's endless. I detest it but I refuse to change. The monotony is a substantial distraction.

The drugs, the alcohol, the women. I bury myself deep enough to forget for a while. I get lost to the point where I simply don't give a shit anymore. It's the perfect state of oblivion that is my euphoria.

"Hey handsome. What do they call you?" I feel someone press against my back.

I down my drink then turn to face the next waste of time. A slender red head with piercing blue eyes complementing her black lacy number stood there trying to stand in her stripper heels. I stare her down with a look of pure disinterest. She better do or say something to convince me she is worth spending the night with me in the next ten seconds or I'm moving on to the next one. She twirls her hair and I slither my arm round her waist.

"I'll let you do whatever you want to me," She whispers in my ear and I can feel her warm breath against my neck.

This wasn't the first time a girl told me something like that to spark my interest but there was something different about her. She pulls away to look at my reaction and I can see the words daddy issues practically scribbled across her forehead.

"Alec. Remember it. You'll be screaming it later," I retorted.

I could tell she was attracted to me by the way she couldn't take her eyes of my mouth. She would be surprised at what I can do with it if she played her cards right. I watched her as she sipped her fruity drink slowly, peering at me over the glass.

"So Alec, why's a guy like you in a plac-"

"Shh, that's enough talking for tonight," I command before pulling her towards me roughly.

She talks too much.

She lets out a surprised gasp before biting her lip seductively. Oh what the hell, I think to myself. I crash my lips against hers and attack her mouth hungrily. Her tongue slides into my mouth and I'm actually impressed. If she was as good with her mouth later as she is now, I'm in for a mildly more interesting night than the usual.

What am I doing? I pull away to get another glimpse at tonight's mistake. At least she's a sexy mistake.

"Let's get out of here," I whisper in her ears as I trail kisses along her jaw leaving a few marks along her neck.

Her hands tug lightly at my hair pushing me to continue but I leave her with the short but enticing preview of the night ahead.

"Your place or mine?" She asks and I am surprised that she would even suggest going back to what I assume was a cramped one bedroom apartment with barely any space to do anything remotely fun.

I take her hand and lead her out of the club jam packed with skanky girls and horny guys. Quite pathetic. She clings onto me and I have to stop myself from shoving her off, not until I get what I want.

This is the best part. The art of manipulating them into thinking I give a shit about them when I couldn't care less. The way I make them fall in love with me just so I can rip away that fantasy.

Life is cruel.

So am I.

When the valet shows up with my car she is already whispering all the dirty things she wants to do to me tonight. The thought that she might be a prostitute did cross my mind but after tonight, she'll be paying me.

The estate is dark, exactly like I left it. The lights in the house are on and they illuminate her face just in time for me to see her eyes widen at the sight of the mansion. Then she got that look in her eye. They always do.

I pull up near the door and I jog up to the door to unlock it as she tries to walk without her shoes sinking into the gravel.

"You know, the club is always full of douche bags. I'm happy I spotted you before anyone else had a chance to steal you away," She says as she glances around the room trying to take it all in.

These type of girls gravitate towards me because they can tell I am not like the other assholes in the clubs. I give off this classy vibe that makes them crave my approval. I am almost never interested in any of them apart from the select few that catch my eye. The rest are too desperate for my attention. Easy prey. I would actually feel sorry for them, you know that is if I actually cared.

I make my way up the stairs to signal my lack of interest in her pointless conversation. I hate it when they talk too much.

I open my bedroom and let her make herself comfortable. I stalk into the bathroom and tug of my blazer before splashing my face with icy water.

I pour myself a glass of bourbon before turning to her. Her dress left very little to imagination but there she was lying on my bed in her underwear and somehow I felt less interested. It puts me off when it's too easy.

She stands up and saunters towards me licking her lips. I roll my eyes before looking away. She forces my face to peer at her. I'm taken aback at her courage. I grab her hand and throw it off before pulling her onto my lap. If she wants rough, I'll give it to her.

"I can make you forget everything," She whispers and I sip my drink.

Just what I wanted to hear.

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