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"He is such a grade A dick!" I scream into the speaker of my phone.

I hear Jordan cackle on the other side of the call and I can't help but join her a little. After my date was crashed by Alec, there was no way to revive the very clearly extinguished flame.

Not that Dominic didn't try.

Bless his soul.

I apologised profusely for Lucifer's rude interruption and he just brushed it off like it never happened. However, it did happen.

I like to talk about things when I am upset so I just couldn't stop myself from rambling on and on about what a jerk my boss is until I realized Dominic was walking me home and I spent the whole date talking about another guy.

Classic Kamara.

Jordan didn't share my sentiments of the severity of the matter as she burst out laughing after every six words. It was one of those "look back and laugh" moments but I wasn't far enough into the future to find it funny yet.

Dominic walked me home and gave me the most adorable kiss on forehead before we parted ways. Now that's a gentleman not Mister I'm a big shot so I can do whatever the hell I want in my expensive suits and gelled hair.

"Jordan! It's not funny! Dominic is such a sweet guy and he'll probably never want to see me agaaaaain! I bet this is exactly what he wanted. To ruin my life here so I can just quit. Hell no! I am a strong, independent woman who isn't going to let some stuck up rich kid dictate my career!" I rant as I pace up and down my semi decorated apartment.

"Kamara, you are too paranoid. He is not out to get you, if anything you brought this on yourself. You're the one who ditched work to go on that date with Dominic. Maybe this is fate telling you not to mess with the big bad wolf." Jordan finally spoke after catching her breath from laughing so much.

I am so not paranoid. Whatever. I don't need to convince her that he's evil because I already know that he is. From the moment I laid eyes on that stupid egomaniac I knew that he wasn't a good person and everything he's done since has only proved me right.

"Ok Jiminy Cricket, whatever you say." I groan knowing that she is too hard headed to believe my "speculations".

"So I have you been to work since the whole date fiasco?" Jordan says which her mouth full and I can't help but miss her cooking. Which reminds me, I need to cook. Which reminds me of food which reminds me of my date. It's an endless cycle.

"Yeah, I went the whole of last week and this week but thank God I haven't run into the wicked witch or the flying monkey. I celebrated my first month here and it felt more like an achievement of survival rather than a celebration." I whined and moaned knowing very well that as much as I was having a hard time adjusting, moving here was the best decision of my life.

Since I moved here, I have had so much more inspiration to paint and I've seen such beautiful places. I would face a million Mister Dimitri's just to stay here forever.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to convince yourself of that because you're scared to admit that you actually like it there." Jordan said in her know-it-all voice.

Damn her.

She knows me way too well but I wasn't going to let her know that she's right. I faked a gasp and gave my longest "what" ever which happened to be a dead giveaway.

"Alec Dimitri and Charlotte whatever her last name is, make my life a living hell. So no, I don't like it here!" I retort sounding more like I'm convincing myself rather than convincing her.

It makes no sense to me. I left my family behind, my home, my friends and basically my whole life.

So why was it that I feel so at home here?

I shook the thought out of my mind and turned my attention back to the conversation only to realize I had missed half of what Jordan was saying.

"He is smoking hot!" Jordan exclaimed.

"You're new guy?" I ask almost in a whisper trying not to let her know that I hadn't heard a word she said.

"Lol, I wish! Too bad you're the lucky one he flew in to work for him! If I could have ten minutes and a room with him I wou-" Jordan gushed until I interrupted her mid sentence.

"Alec! Kill me now! The only thing hot about him is his home down in the abyss because he has the personality of Hades!" I rant as I feel my blood boil and my cheeks turn red with anger.

"Well he sure as hell has the looks of a Greek god! Mhmmmm he's so yummy. I wouldn't mind seeing that piece of eye candy every day." Jordan says and I can't help but burst out laughing.

Only Jordan could make me laugh at the peak of my frustration. Obviously she was dead wrong but she was still funny about it.

"I'll be sure to send you pictures of him as he cleans his horns or something." I say and we both laugh together.

We say our good-byes and I feel considerably better after talking to someone who truly gets me.

At least now I have some motivation to get through this week.

Hopefully without any encounters with He-who-is-a-jerk.


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