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He makes my heart ache and blood boil at the same time.

How can someone with so much pain of their own cause so much to others?

Maybe I am just being sensitive. Everyone always said I was too sensitive for such a harsh world but I always thought that people were too hard on themselves. Now, I think that maybe they're right.

"Grab a tissue and get back to work," Charlotte said motioning to the box on her desk then turning her attention back to the memo she was writing. Her tone was condescending and blunt which made me a little confused. I knew that she didn't like me but I thought that when she came to me for help the other day, that she would be nicer to me or at least tolerate my existence.

"You don't have to be a bitch all the time, Charlotte," I said before grabbing a tissue and dabbing it under my eyes.

She stopped writing and put her pen down. She stood up and walked around her desk until we were face to face. For the first time, I got to analyze her up close and she was beautiful.

She had these earthy green eyes that brought out the flame in her fiery red hair in an oddly attractive combination of elements. She had freckles that decorated her fair face like constellations decorated the night sky. She was a sight to be admired.

Unfortunately, all that beauty went to waste with such an atrocious personality. An example of her discordant nature was just about to leave her lips in a matter of seconds.

"Listen here girlie, if you think that you deserve any reaction beyond disgust from Mister Dimitri, you are gravely mistaken. He is and will always be mine for the taking. And if you do anything to jeopardise that, I will make your miserable life even worse. Understood?" She said with a threatening glare and a painful poke in conclusion.

I sighed and tossed her hand away from me and started walking away from her.

"Get a life Charlotte. Lick some stamps or something, I heard you're good in that area," I said as I kept walking without sparing a second to look back at her. I didn't even have to to know that her expression was priceless.

This has got to be the worst day I've had since I got here. If it wasn't time to go home, I'd probably staple my hand to get out of sticking around the office any longer.

Alec really had some nerve to call me out over something as trivial as sneaking into the unopened wing. Why is he so uptight about it anyway?

The whole thing just doesn't make sense to me.

The wing is completely furnished and it is without a doubt the main attraction of the gallery. It has the best artwork with magnificent furnishing that accents the classic ambiance. It is just plain perfect yet he keeps making excuses to not open the wing to the public.

One minute he wants the walls repainted.

The next we wants a new decorator to change everything.

The next he wants to rearrange the order and placement of the paintings.

The only thing that remains constant is the paintings. He doesn't remove or add of the pieces. That is the only thing he's doing right.

He's depriving the world of the West wing and I think that's unfair of him. Just another mean thing he does.


And don't get me started on Charlotte. She is a lovestruck girl hell-bent on keeping me away from a man I don't even want. I would be mad at her for being so horrible to me but I can't. How can I blame her for being in love? I mean, she's going about it totally wrong but when you're in love you do some crazy things. She's just in love with the wrong person. Then again, what do I know?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear my phone ring.

"Hello?" I say in a slightly annoyed tone still remaining from the conversations I just had.

"Someone's grumpy. Had a bad day?" I hear and my frown literally turned upside down into the widest grin I could manage.

Yes, Dominic to the rescue. He's like my own personal superhero, ready to come save the day when the evil villains ruin it with harsh words and condescending actions.

"The worst but its getting better now that you called," I say with the evidence of the effect he has on me is easily heard in my voice.

"Sounds like you're lacking some vitamin me," He jokes and I can't control my laughter.

He is such a goofball. Only he has the power to make me laugh this hard. In fact, that's definitely his super power. Followed by his extreme hotness of course.

"You're such a loser. Hey, do you want to go for dinner?" I ask, hoping he'll say yes so I can have something to look forward to after the terrible day I just had.

"A chance to stare at you for three hours AND I get food? Is that even a question? I'll pick you up at eight," He says with a chuckle.

My grin got wider and I bit my lip to try and contain my glee so as not to look like a weird lunatic on the train.

"Ok, see you then," I say before hanging up and closing my eyes.

I stare at the phone screen for a while, still smiling.

Two minutes of Dominic > Eight hours of paid work at my so called dream job

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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