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"He told the guards to never let me in unless I'm with him." The boss bitch herself explained and I internally groan.

"So what the hell do you want me to do about it, Charlotte?" I ask, trying to whisper.

"You have to go to his house and check on him. It's been three days and if he doesn't resurface soon, he won't have any investors for the gallery. He's missed five meetings already and I only managed to salvage three of them. I know we may not be the best of buds but we both know that even though he doesn't show it, this gallery is everything to him." She finished and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity of the girl.

It's not her fault she fell for the devil himself.

"Lucifer was beautiful you know!" I hear my mind scream to remind me as well.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.

"Charlotte, I'm in the middle of something," I mention but I know that I can't just do nothing, "but I'll update you in about a half hour."

"Good. Thanks. Bye." Charlotte says rapidly before hanging up but not fast enough for me to miss the gratitude.

I sigh and start dialling Dominic's number but only to get his voicemail.

"Hey cutie, I can't make the movie or dinner because something came up at work. I'll make it up to you! I promise! I'm sorry and I know I suck but it's really important." I say before hanging up and grabbing my coat.

Charlotte texted me the address and I can't say I was surprised to know that he lived in the most posh area in the city. The cab even charged me extra because he probably thought I lived there. I mean, I was flattered but if he spotted my knock off Chanel shoes, I'm sure he'd have apologised.

"I'm here to see Mister Dimitri." I say to the guards and they snicker to themselves before letting me in.

"Another one." I hear one of the say as I am walking away but I make nothing of it.

I made the mistake of telling him to drop me at the gate because the walk from the gate to the actual house was a journey of its own.

What does one do with all this space?

His family must be huge.

I mean, the garden is exquisite and the architecture of the house is magnificent and there are naked women walking out of his front door.


He is such a dick.

He's missing all these important meeting and blowing off clients to play hookie with hookers.

I storm into the house fuming with anger and ready to give that jerk a real earful when I see girls all around dancing to music and getting faded.

What? Why? How?

Oh! When I see him I'm going to...

Before I could finish the thought, he popped in my line of vision.

"Alec! What the hell is going on here?" I scream at him and his body tenses at the sound of my voice.

Oh, if he thinks that's bad, wait till he sees what I'm going to do to him.


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