Early Bird Gets The....

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"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuck! What did I do with those keys?"Y/n cursed to herself as she turned the bedroom room upside down, searching for her car keys. Today wasn't the day for her to be scatter brained. It was the first day of her junior year in college and she was already running late. Her aunt and cousin were out of town for her cousin's cheerleading competition and she had the house to herself which also meant she only had her car. However, without car keys, she couldn't drive herself to school.

"Fuck it, I'll just get an uber."

Y/n grabbed the spare house key, closed and locked the door, then  sat on the front porch to wait for her ride. The street was quiet, mainly because not many people were awake yet and if they were, they'd be on their way to work already.
She had the pleasure of waking up at 6am to commute almost an hour to north hell for her college courses, for the third year in a row. Every morning she cursed herself for picking such early classes and every afternoon at 1pm, when her school day ended, she patted herself on the back for the same reason. She was  pursuing her degree in Accounting and although it got tough at times, she never gave up.

As she waited for her ride, she looked across the street, spotting Slim coming out of his house. She tensed up, seeing him stand at the edge of the porch. Their encounter almost two weeks ago still had her feeling some way and she couldn't shake the feeling.  Her emotions were all out of wack, thinking about the way he'd grabbed her, intimidated her, kissed her. She was afraid of him but at the same time, she was aroused and she'd been beating herself up about it since they met. She was upset with herself for even thinking of him but it was hard to stop, being that he'd tease her with his intense gaze every time he saw her, greeting her with a pleasant "Good morning, beautiful." She'd force out a quick response and a smile; remembering their initial conversation. Every time he spoke to her, she got chills.

Y/n clutched  her messenger bag closer to her as she watched him look from one end of the street to the other before setting his sight on her. She watched him adjust his black beanie before making his way across the street to her.

Y/n thanked God her aunt wasn't home because she'd have a fit, seeing him come near her house.

Slim had planned on getting some early work in this morning but seeing her, he decided the base heads and dope fiends could wait.
They can wait. I'll give 'em a chance to drop Lilly and Gunner off somewhere first. Fuckin' soccer moms.
He smirked, seeing her eyes follow him as he approached her house. He wondered why she wa out so early but then again, he didn't really care. This was just an opportunity to mess with her.

Y/n took a deep breath seeing him get closer. She saw the smug grin on his face and was tempted to go back in the house.
Noooo stay over there. It's too early. Leave me alone.
He slowly walked up her walkway with his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. He always had his hands in his pockets. It made him look suspicious but also quite alluring to Y/n.
"Good morning, beautiful." Slim grinned, eying her attire. She folded her arms over her bag and brought her legs close together, feeling self-conscious yet turned on under his gaze. Although it was already 80 degrees, she regretted wearing her denim shorts and red Cami top.
Y/n, what the hell is wrong with you. Stop it! She told herself, squeezing her thighs together. The sensation between them was bugging her.

"Morning." She said, looking everywhere but at him. Slim scoffed shaking his head.
"I thought we was gettin' better...neighbor." He smirked. Y/n rolled her eyes and looked down the street as if anything were more interesting than Slim.
He enjoyed getting under her skin, mainly because it didn't take much to do so. He knew the effect he was having on her and he was eager for the day she stopped denying it.
Over the past two weeks, Slim had watched her; the way she walked, talked, interacted with her family. He was growing quite fond of her and although he enjoyed watching her squirm, he'd recently been thinking about what it'd be like to make her moan. He was determined to crush her sour attitude. He hasn't really found a solid answer as to why he was so attracted to her. Physically she was a goddess, however her dismissive and disrespectful demeanor
towards  him should've turned him off but it didn't. Maybe he was looking for a challenge to keep his thoughts off of real issues, maybe he truly saw something in her or maybe it was a bit of both. Either way, he liked messing with her. Not only was it amusing but she was fine as hell when she got upset.

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