LoveHate Thing

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May 14th, 2018

Y/n sat anxiously waiting for Slim to come through the doors for his visitation with her

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Y/n sat anxiously waiting for Slim to come through the doors for his visitation with her. It was surreal to know he'd already been locked up for two months. His case seemed to move faster than most...almost too fast. It made Y/n wonder if there was someone behind it all. She wouldn't be surprised, especially since E had conveniently introduced himself a month after Slim was gone.

She was on edge and doomed to be bogged down by her thoughts. Although she did her best to keep herself busy with work, school, and K.K.; she still had too much time to overthink and rethink scenarios from her past. Her love for Slim hadn't exactly vanished and not having the option to see him or not see him at her own will, bugged her. Y/n had no intention of getting back with Slim but she had to clear the air; thank him for rescuing his cousin at the very least.

Today was as good a day as any; she had the day off and she was out of school plus she would've felt even worse about herself had she not seen him this day, of all days. Even then she could easily say she didn't care to see Slim, Y/n had kind of been looking forward to this visit. Even though he told her, he'd be okay, she still had to check on him. She tried not to worry but when Y/n cared about someone, it took a long time for that care  to fade away once she stopped dealing with them.

She constantly thought about what he was going through behind these prison walls. It couldn't have been all bad though. Somehow, the officers arranged a private room for her and Slim to meet in. He must've been paying them way more than their job did to get this treatment. Money couldn't buy everything though.

Her heart fluttered as she watched him being escorted into the visiting room. He looked a little rough. His hair had grown out some and although his facial hair wasn't trimmed, it was somewhat lined up. He would've looked perfectly fine if the bags under his eyes and the stress lines on his face weren't so prominent. They only made the  cut and bruise on his cheek look worse.

The sight of Y/n made Slim put a little extra pep in his step as he walked to the table. Without a word, he pulled her up from her seat and hugged her tightly, nuzzling his face into her neck just like he always did. Her body spray was the sweetest thing he'd smelled since he'd been in prison and he wanted to take in as much of it as he could. The two guards stood back and relaxed against the closed door barely paying attention to Slim and Y/n as he held her.

A lump formed in Y/n's throat when she finally realized just how much she'd missed touching him and she was upset for even missing that. She stiffly moved her hands from his upper arms to his shoulders as he reluctantly pulled away. They stared at one another examining each other before Slim sweetly kissed her lips. Y/n hesitantly slipped out of his grasp and took a deep breath before sitting at the table.

"I'm sorry. I just..." He trailed off with a shrug. There was no other way to say he missed her but he could tell he'd already made her uncomfortable. Slim was supposed to be giving her time. Two months without any sight of her or physical contact was wrecking his nerves though.

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