Things Fall Apart

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*Song in MM

(Pours a lil more tea on the floor) ahem, I edited the last chapter just a little so you may wanna go re-read.

(Pours a lil more tea on the floor) ahem, I edited the last chapter just a little so you may wanna go re-read

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July 5th 2022


I'd taken off a few days from work to spend as much time with my family as I could while they were here and we'd been out all day mainly because, I was avoiding Tremaine. I thought him being all excited and overly affectionate would chsbge something...anything but all it did was make me upset. He was literally going to keep going with this like he was completely innocent.

When I got home from  shopping with  Aunt  Grace,  we found Tremaine sitting in the living room, as still as a statue. His face was unreadable and he hadn't said so much as hello when he saw us. Something wasn't right with him. He left here this morning as his usual self, smiling and sweet– even more so since our talk last night but now he was...different.

"Tré? Hey." I tried getting him to say something but he just looked at me.

"Tremaine, baby you okay? " my aunt asked,  touching his forehead and checking his pupils. Of course she'd play nurse right now. This wasn't sickness, at least not physical.  I looked him over and  had to bite back a gasp when I saw my little black journal under his hands. I knew exactly what this was and shit was about to get real.

"Hey um auntie, can you...Tré and I just need to..." i couldn't even come up with a reason to get her out the house. I was all out of excuses  but she picked up on the growing tension between us and decided to go pick up K.K. from her friend's house and stay out a little longer.

"How much did you read?" My voice trembled. I couldn't even look him in the eye. There was no point in fussing at him for snooping through my things. This was so much more serious than that.

"Enough.....wit my ring on your finger. Not once but twice. You lied to me." He was too calm for comfort and he looked right through me. My heart was pounding and if I could have a heart attack to get out of this moment, I' d probably be relieved.

"You cheated on me and what, you thought I would never find out? You was just gon' walk down the aisle like everything was good?" His voice cracked and my heart dropped into my stomach. Well, up until a few days ago, yeah.

"Tré, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I messed up. I had a moment of weakness but baby I swear-" I couldn't believe I was fixing my mouth to lie again and for what? The truth was out.

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